Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/882

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55 STAT.] 77TH CONG., 1ST SESS.-CHS. 621 , 622 -DEC. 23 , 1941 expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior without regard to the provisions of law regulating the expenditure of Govern- ment funds or the employment of persons in the Government service, such as section 3709 of the Revised Statutes and the civil service and classification laws: Provided, That any funds received from the sale of materials and supplies acquired hereunder shall be deposited to the credit of this appropriation and shall be available for expenditure for the purposes hereof. TREASURY DEPARTMENT PROCUREMENT DIVISION General supply fund: To increase the general supply fund estab- lished by the Act approved February 27, 1929, as amended (41 U. S . C. 4 Stat. 1342. 7c), $2,000,000. WAR DEPARTMENT CIVIL FUNCTIONS Relief of the Philippine Islands: The moneys authorized to be appro- priated in accordance with section 503 of the Sugar Act of 1937 (50 Stat. 915), as amended, but not exceeding the amount of taxes referred to in such section 503 collected prior to the date of enactment of this Act, are hereby appropriated, and in addition thereto the sum of $10,000,000 is appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to enable the Secretary of War to meet expenses for each and every purpose necessary to provide for public relief and civilian defense in the Philippine Islands, fiscal year 1942, to remain available until expended: Provided,That this appropriation shall be available for payment to the Government of the Common- wealth of the Philippines, either in advance of or in reimbursement for all or any part of the estimated or actual cost, as authorized by the Commanding General, United States Army in the Far East, of public relief and civilian defense in the Philippine Islands: Provided further, That this appropriation may be expended without regard to the provisions of law regulating the expenditure or accounting for funds of the United States: And provided further That of the amount herein appropriated the sum of $10,000,000 shall be restored to the emergency fund for the President, created by the Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1942, in reimbursement of a like amount advanced therefrom for the purposes herein authorized, and any expenditures heretofore or hereafter made from that fund for such purposes are hereby authorized and validated. Approved, December 23, 1941. Philippine Islands. Public relief and civilian defense. 7 U.S. C.§1173. Podt, p . 872. Provisos. Availability of ap- propriation. Expenditure. RerIllblrserment of emergency fund. Ante, p. 93. [CHAPTER 622] JOINT RESOLUTION Transferring the administration of the homestead projects established in the Virgin Islands from the government of the Virgin Islands to the Department of Agriculture. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the homestead projects established in the Virgin Islands by virtue of the provisions of the Second Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1931 (46 Stat. 1552, 1570), by virtue of the provisions of the Act of April 22,1932, entitled "An Act making appropriations for the Department of the Interior for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1933, and for other purposes" (47 Stat. 91, 129), by December 23,1941 [S. J. Res. 105] [Public Law 372] Virgin Islands. Administration of homestead projects. 857 41U.S.C. 5. Proviso.