Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/881

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 621 -DEC. 23, 1941 6F. R. 2617. the continuance of the unlimited national emergency declared by Prviso. b the President on May 27, 1941: Provided, That the amount appro- f idsbity priated in this paragraph shall not be available for obligation until the date of enactment into law of the bill (H. R . 6128 of the Public Law409,77th Seventy-seventh Congress) entitled "An Act to amend the Act Congress. entitled 'An Act to expedite the provision of housing in connection with national defense, and for other purposes', approved October 14, 1940, as amended". PUBLIO BUILDINGS ADMINISTRATION west central Het. The limit of $3,900,000 upon the cost of the site and building, ingnt,D . . West Central Heating Plant, Washington District of Columbia, specified under this head in the First Supplemental Civil Functions 54 Stat.103& Appropriation Act, 1941, is hereby increased to $7,000,000. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SURPLUS MARKETING ADMINISTRATION brocurement, distri- Emergency supplies for Territories and possessions: For all necessary expenses to enable the Secretary of Agriculture to procure, transport, and distribute agricultural and other commodities and supplies to meet the emergent requirements of the civilian popula- tion of the Territories and possessions of the United States, including purchasing, exchanging, processing, distributing, disposing of, transporting, storing, handling and inspecting, commissions, and insurance exclusive of marine risks, without regard to the provisions of other law covering the expenditures of public funds; and for administrative expenses incident thereto not exceeding in any fiscal year 3 per centum of the aggregate amount expended under authority hereof in such fiscal year, including purchase, maintenance, and repair of horse-drawn and motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles, printing and binding, personal services and rents in the Provriso. District of Columbia and elsewhere; $35,000,000: Provided, That emergency fund. $10,000,000 of this appropriation shall be used immediately to replace an equal amount allocated for this purpose from the emergency fund for the President by letter of allocation numbered 42-40, dated Sale of supplies. December 15, 1941: Provided further That materials and supplies procured under authority hereof may be disposed of by sale without regard to the provisions of other law or by other means, and the proceeds from such sales and any other receipts from operations hereunder shall be deposited to the credit of this appropriation when payment is received, and such appropriation includg such deposits shall remain available for expenditure for the purposes hereof until six months have elapsed after the termination of the unlimited 6 F. R. 2617. national emergency declared by the President on May 27, 1941. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GOVEBNMENT IN THE TERRITOYIES Relief and civilian defense. 6F. B. 2617. Emergency fund, Territories and island possessions (national defense): For all expenses necessary to provide for the relief and civilian defense of the populations of the Territory of Alaska, the Virgin Islands of the United States, and the island of Puerto Rico, including the lease or construction of warehousing and storage facili- ties and the purchase, transportation, and sale of food, drugs, hospital supplies, and other materisuppliupplies and equipment, fiscal year 1942, to remain available for the duration of the unlimited national emer- gency declared by the President on May 27, 1941, $15,000,000, to be [55 STAT.