Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/655

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PUBLIC LAWS--CHS. 364, 365-AUG. 18, 1941 Authority of Secre- tary of Treasury. Detention pay. Nonapplicability of designated provision. Shipping articles. Guard in the same manner and to the same extent as they apply to personnel of the Regular Navy in relationship to the Navy, and the same authority vested in the Secretary of the Navy by this Act with respect to the Navy and Marine Corps shall be, and is hereby, vested in the Secretary of the Treasury with respect to the Coast Guard. SEC. 4. That portion of section 1422 of the Revised Statutes (18 Stat. 484; 34 U. S . C . 201) which reads as follows: "All persons who shall be so detained beyond their terms of enlistment or who shall, after the termination of their enlistment, voluntarily reenter to serve until the return to an Atlantic or Pacific port of the vessel to which they belong, and their regular discharge therefrom, shall receive for the time during which they are so detained, or shall so serve beyond their original terms of enlistment, an addition of one-fourth of their former pay:" shall not apply to enlistments which are extended pursuant to this Act. SEC. 5 . Hereafter the shipping articles shall contain the substance of section 1 of this Act. Approved, August 18, 1941. [CHAPTER 365] August 18,1941 AN ACT [S. 752] To provide for the establishment of the Coronado International Memorial, in the [Public Law 216] State of Arizona. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Coronado Interna- United States of America in Congress assembled, That for the pur- tional Memorial, es - tablishment. pose of permanently commemorating the explorations of Francisco Vasquez de Coronado, the President of the United States is author- ized to declare, by proclamation, any lands within the following- described area, subject to all valid existing rights, to be established as the "Coronado International Memorial": Description of area. Gila and Salt River meridian: Township 24 south, range 20 east, section 10, south half southwest quarter, south half southeast quarter; section 11, south half southwest quarter; section 13, southwest quar- ter northwest quarter, south half; section 14, northwest quarter, south half, northwest quarter northeast quarter, south half northeast quar- ter; section 15, all; section 22, all; section 23, all, section 24, all; township 24 south, range 21 east, section 17, south half southwest quarter; section 18, southwest quarter, south half southeast quarter; section 19, all; section 20, lots 3 and 4; aggregating approximately two Establishment of thousand eight hundred and eighty acres: Provided, That said proc- adjoining area by lamation shall not be issued until the President of the United States exc o shall have been advised through official channels that the Govern- ment of Mexico has established, or provided for the establishment of, an area of similar type and size adjoining the area described herein. NRegulal'tion, etc b SEC. 2. The National Park Service, under the direction of the Sec- National Park Serv- ice. retary of the Interior, shall promote and regulate the use of the Coro- nado International Memorial for the benefit and enjoyment of the people of the United States. Insofar as applicable and not in con- 16 U. s . c . 1 -4 . flict with this Act, the Act of August 25, 1916 (39 Stat. 535), pro- viding for the establishment of a National Park Service, as amended and supplemented, shall govern the promotion and regulation of the Development with- designated memorial area: Provided, That nothing in this Act shall in strip north of inter- be construed to authorize any recreational or other development by nationa boundary. the National Park Service within the sixty-foot strip north of the international boundary between the United States and Mexico with- drawn by proclamation of the President dated May 27, 1907 (35 Stat., part II, p. 2136), unless such development has received the prior approval of the Secretary of State. 630 [55 STAT.