Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/654

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55 STAT.] 77TH CONG. , IST SESS.-CHS. 363, 364-AUG. 18 , 1941 other than National Guard as may be provided by the laws of such State or Territory is hereby authorized while any part of the National Guard of the State or Territory or Puerto Rico or the Canal Zone concerned is in active Federal Service: Provided further, That such forces shall not be called, ordered, or in any manner drafted, as such, into the military services of the United States; however, no person shall, by reason of his membership in any such unit, be exempted from military service under any Federal law: And provided further, That the Secretary of War in his discretion and under regulations determined by him, is authorized to issue, from time to time, for the use of such military units, to any State or Territory or Puerto Rico or the Canal Zone, upon requisition of the Governor thereof, such arms and equipment as may be in possession of and can be spared by the War Department." Approved, August 18, 1941. 629 Forces not subject to U. 8 . military call. Arms and equip- ment. [CHAPTER 364] AN ACT August 18, 1941 To provide for the extension of enlistments in the Navy, and for other purposes. [S. 353] [Public Law 215] Navy and Marine Corps. Terms of enlist- ment. Provisos. Discharge of men under 21 upon appli- cation of parent. Extension of enlist- ments. PoS, p. 799. Reiglations, etc., during extensions. Discharge upon ter- mination of war or emergency. Additional enlist- ment allowance. 42 Stat. 630 . 37U. .C.I16. Regular Coast GOArd. Ale, p. 58. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That hereafter enlistments in the Navy and Marine Corps may be for minority or terms of two, three, four, or six years, and all laws now applicable to four-year enlistments shall apply, under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Navy, to enlistments for a shorter or longer period with proportionate benefits upon discharge and reenlistment: Provided, That upon the presentation of satisfac- tory evidence as to his age and upon application for discharge by his parent or guardian presented to the Secretary of the Navy within ninety days after the date of his enlistment, any man enlisted in the naval service, including the Marine Corps, under twenty-one years of age, who was enlisted without the written consent of his parent or guardian, if any, shall be discharged for his own con- venience: Provided further, That all enlistments hereafter entered into may be extended by the Secretary of the Navy for such additional time as le may deem necessary in the public interest in time of war, or national emergency declared by the President, to exist: Provided further, That all men whose terms of enlistment are extended in accordance with the provisions of this Act shall continue during such extensions to be subject in all respects to the laws and regulations for the government of the Navy: And provided further, That men detained in service in accordance with this Act shall unless they voluntarily extend their enlistments, be discharged not later than six months after the date of the termination of the war or national emergency. SEC. 2. During war, or a national emergency declared by the Presi- dent to exist, an enlistment allowance, equal in amount to that pro- vided for enlisted men of the Marine Corps by section 9 of the Act approved June 10, 1922 (42 Stat. 629; U. S . C ., title 37, sec. 13) and by section 10 of that Act for enlisted men of the Navy and Coast Guard, and to be in addition to the enlistment allowance so provided, shall be paid to every honorably discharged enlisted man of the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard who reenlists, within twenty-four hours after such discharge, on board the ship or at the station, Marine barracks, or other naval, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard activity from which he was last discharged. SEC. 3. The provisions of sections 1, 4, and 5 of this Act shall apply to personnel of the Regular Coast Guard in relationship to the Coast