Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/456

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55 STAT.] 77TH CONG., 1ST SESS.-CH. 267-JULY 1, 1941 dictions, to investigate and certify to shippers and other interested parties the class, quality, and condition of cotton, tobacco, fruits, and vegetables, whether raw, dried, or canned, poultry, butter, hay, and other perishable farm products when offered for interstate shipment or when received at such important central markets as the Secretary of Agriculture may from time to time designate, or at points which may be conveniently reached therefrom, under such rules and regu- lations as he may prescribe, including payment of such fees as will be reasonable and as nearly as may be to cover the cost for the service rendered: Provided, That certificates issued by the authorized agents of the Department shall be received in all courts of the United States as prima facie evidence of the truth of the statements therein con- tained, $459,000. Marketing farm products: For acquiring and diffusing among the people of the United States useful information relative to the stand- ardization, classification, grading, preparation for market, handling, and marketing of farm and food products, including the demonstra- tion and promotion of the use of uniform standards of classification of American farm and food products throughout the world, $400,000: Provided, That samples, illustrations, practical forms, or sets of the grades recommended or promulgated by the Secretary of Agri- culture for farm or food products may be sold under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, and the receipts therefrom deposited in the Treasury to the credit of miscellaneous receipts. Tobacco Inspection and Tobacco Stocks and Standards Acts: To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to carry into effect the provisions of an Act entitled "An Act to establish and promote the use of standards of classification for tobacco, to provide and maintain an official tobacco-inspection service, and for other purposes", approved August 23, 1935 (7 U. S . C . 511-511q), and an Act entitled "An Act to provide for the collection and publication of statistics of tobacco by the Department of Agriculture", approved January 14, 1929 (7 U. S . C . 501-508), as amended, $533,000. Perishable Agricultural Commodities and Produce Agency Acts: To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to carry into effect the pro- visions of the Act entitled "An Act to suppress unfair and fraudu- lent practices in the marketing of perishable agricultural commodities in interstate and foreign commerce", as amenlded (7 U. S. C . 499a- 499r), and the Act entitled "An Act to prevent. the destructioln or dumping, without good and sufficient cause therefor, of farm prolduce received in interstate commerce by commission merchants and others and to require them truly and correctly to account for all farm produce received by them", approved March 3, 1927 (7 U. S . C . 491-497), $152,000. Standard Container Acts: To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to carry into effect the Act entitled "An Act to fix standards for Climax baskets for grapes and other fruits and vegetables, and to fix standards for baskets and other containers for small fruits, berries, and vegetables, and for other purposes", approved August 31, 1916 (15 U. S. C . 251-256), and the Act entitled "An Act to fix standards for hampers, round stave baskets, and splint baskets for fruits and vegetables, and for other purposes", approved May 21, 1928 (15 U. S . C. 257-257i) , $10,000. Cotton Quality Statistics and Classing Acts: To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to carry into effect the Act entitled "An Act authoriz- ing the Secretary of Agriculture to collect and publish statistics of the grade and staple length of cotton", approved March 3, 1927, as amended by the Act entitled "An Act authorizing the Secretary of Agriculture to provide for the classification of cotton, to furnish 431 Proviso. Proviso. Post, p. 550 . 49 Stat. 731. 45 Stat. 1079. 46 Stat. 531. 44 Stat. 1355. 39 Stat. 673. 45 Stat. 685. 44 Stat. 132; 50 Stat. 62.