Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/1005

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Tariff Commission: Page Appropriation for ------------------ 118 Commissioners- Restriction on payment of salary to, participating in certain proceed- ings --------- _-------------_ 118 Salary rates -------------------- 123 Tax Appeals, Board of, appropriation for_ 95, 830 Taxes. See also Excess Profits Tax Amendments of 1941; Revenue Act of 1941. Compensating taxes under Agricul- tural Adjustment Act, carrying of certain, to surplus fund of Treasury_ 186 U. S., etc., obligations--------------- 8,9 Taylor, Edward T., payment to widow of- 747 Tea Importation Act: Appropriation for enforcement-------- 478 Examination for importation, deposit of fee-------------------------- 478 Telecommunication Union, Bureau of In- ternational; Radio Section, appro- priation for contribution ----------- 271 Telegraph Messages, etc., tax on------- . 714 Telephone Messages, etc., tax on _- ----- 714 Temporary National Economic Committee, appropriation for ----.--- ------- -- 200 Tennessee: Bristol, appropriation for TVA site on south fork of Holston River---- 823 Chattanooga, flood-protection works authorized ----------------- 646 Clees Ferry, bridge authorized across Cumberland River near --------- 181 Elizabethton, appropriation for build- ing of dam on Watauga River----- 823 Great Smoky Mountains National Park, appropriation for --------------- 347 Memphis, time extended for bridging Mississippi River at------------- 775 Rivers and harbors, preliminary exam- inations authorized--------------- 649 Tennessee River, reconstruction, etc., of certain bridges, by Tennessee Valley Authority ----------------------- 773 Tennessee River Basin, flood-protection works authorized ----- _----------- 646 Tennessee Valley Authority: Appropriation for------------- 118, 597, 822 Bridges, reconstruction, etc., of certain__ 773 Defense projects, purchases without ad- vertising --------------------- 119 Transfer of funds to certain Treasury Department appropriations _- ---- 217 Transmission lines, extent and location, approval by President --------- 119 Tennessee Valley Authority Act of 1933, Amendments: Accounts, rendition of, for adjustment and settlement------------------ 775 Tennessee Valley Authority Act of 1933, Page Amendments-Continued. Conveyance or transfer of land, etc., authorized ------------- _ _----- 599 Expenditures and contracts authorized_ 775 Tenth Naval District: Appropriation for------_ _ __ _ 37, 40, 167, 679 Construction authorized-------_ 50, 52, 664 Land, acquisition authorized------__ __ _ 53 Terre Noire Creek, flood-control project authorized ---------------------- 645 Territorial Courts, appropriation for -- -- 299 Territorial Papers, appropriation for col- lecting and editing__- --------______ 266 Territories, maintenance by, of certain military forces--------------.---- - 628 Territories and Island Possessions, Divi- sion of. See under Interior, Depart- ment of the. Territories and Possessions, appropriation for emergency supplies for -_- --- --- 856 Texas: Appropriation for- Denison Dam and Reservoir project, survey, etc., of recreational re- sources- ------------- _---- 352 Livestock experiments and demon- strations ------------------- 416 Rio Grande project, operation and maintenance ----------------- 332 Valley Gravity Canal and Storage Project--------- --

338 Cordova Island Boundary, appropria- tion for fence construction - _ ---- - 274 Flood-control projects authorized --- 641, 642 Oil and gas conservation, consent of Congress given to extension of interstate compact concerning----- 666 Thailand, appropriation for minister to--- 267 Thames River Basin, channel improve- ments, etc., authorized ------------ 639 Thanksgiving Day, designation of fourth Thursday of November as __ .- -- -- - 862 Third Supplemental National Defense Appropriation Act, 1942 ----------- 810 Thirteenth Naval District: Appropriation for----_------------- 679 Construction authorized -------------- 664 Thomas Alva Edison Day, proclamation of, authorized-------------------- 598 Thomas Jefferson, U. S. Commission for Celebration of Two Hundredth An- niversary of Birth of, appropriation for ------------------------- 547 Thurberia Weevil Control, appropriation for---------------------------- 428 Tillman, John P. (Lt. Col.), credit in accounts of_- -

137 Tires and Tubes, tax on-------------- 709 Credits on account of--------------- 712 INDEX XCVII