Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/1004

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Strategic and Critical Materials: Page Appropriation for- Alumina, production, etc., of, from low-grade bauxite, aluminum clays, and alunite ---------- 345, 752 Manganese beneficiation pilot plants and research -__- --- --- --- - 344, 827 Mineral resources, domestic, investi- gations------------- 340, 343, 684, 752 Potassium carbonate, investigation of production -_-------- ----- 827 Sodium carbonate, investigation of production ------------------ 827 Corporations engaged in mining, tax on- 703 Destruction of, "national-defense ma- terial" defined------------------ 655 Disposition of, proceeds from, use of funds-------------------------- 206 Priorities in transportation of, by mer- chant vessels ------------------- 591 Priority assignments on defense con- tracts, extension----------------- 236 Reconstruction Finance Corporation, acquisition or manufacture by- _ - 249 Streams, appropriation for gaging of -- 340, 827 Sturgeon River, Mich., examination au- thorized ------------------------- 649 Submarginal Land, appropriation for re- tirement of ---------------------- 439 Sugar Act of 1937: Amendments- Conditional payments, increase of--- 873 Philippine Islands, payments to, ex- tension - ----------- ---- ---- Termination of powers under, exten- sion of date ---..---------- ._ _ Virgin Islands, extension of condi- tional-payment provisions to- _- Appropriation for administrative ex- penses ------------------------ Taxes under, extension of date of ter- mination ---------------------- Sugar Council, International, appropria- tion for share of expenses -------- Sugar Plant Investigations, appropriation for----------------------------- Summit, C. Z ., Naval Radio Station: Appropriation for ----------------- Construction authorized --- _----___-- Sun River Project, Mont., appropriation for construction ----------___-__-- Sunbury, Pa., flood-protection works authorized-------------- _ __ _- _ __ - 873 872 873 438 873 438 420 678 663 334 640 Superintendent of Documents, appropria- tion for Office of -- _ --- 198, 464, 542, 830 Superior, Wis., time extended for bridging St. Louis River at----------------. 181 Supreme Court, United States. See under United States Courts. Surgeons, registry of, as staff officers on U. S . vessels---------------------- Surgeons, Acting Assistant, Navy, ap- pointment for temporary emergency service -------------- --- ---- ---- Surplus Agricultural Commodities, appro- priation for disposal of------------- Surplus Commodities Corporation, Feder- al, transfer of funds to certain Treas- ury Department appropriations ---- Surplus Marketing Administration: Administrative expenses, interchange of limitations -------------------- Appropriation for emergency supplies for Territories and possessions---- Stamps issued by, destruction by Comp- troller General ----------------- Transfer of funds to certain Treasury Department appropriations ------ Susquehanna River: Bridge authorized across, at Plymouth Township, Pa. -Hanover Township, Pa---------------------------- Time extended for bridging, at- Harrisburg, Pa ------------------- Middletown, Pa--- --------------- Millersburg, Pa------------------- Susquehanna River Basin, flood-protec- tion works authorized ------------- Susua River, P. R., examination author- ized ----------------------------- Swanson, Robert F., purchase from, of model of winning design for Smith- sonian Gallery of Art ---------.--. Sweden, appropriation for minister to--- Sweetpotato Weevil Control, appropriation for------------------------. . - Swinomish Indians, Wash., appropriation for support, etc----------------. Switzerland, appropriation for minister to----------------------------- Syracuse, N. Y ., flood-control project authorized---- _------_____-__.- - T Tacoma, Wash., appropriation for In- dians, construction and repair of buildings ------------------------ Tacoma Sanatorium, Wash., appropriation for------------------ - - - -- __ _ ___ Tague, H. M. (Maj.), payment to---_ _-- Taholah Indians, Wash., appropriation for support, etc---------------_ _ _ -_ _ _ Talihina Sanatorium and Hospital, Okla., appropriation for ---------------- Taos Hospital, N. Mex., appropriation for- Tariff Act of 1930, Amendment, with- drawal free of tax of distilled spirits, etc., for supplies for certain vessels and aircraft. - Page 729 43 437 215 436 856 112 215 776 182 182 237 640 650 654 267 427 326 267 640 329 324 138 326 324 324 602 XCVI INDEX ---