Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/1082

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Wheat Advisory Committee, Interna- tional, appropriation for share of ex- penses ------------- - - -- - - --- Wheelock Academy, Okla., appropriation for education of Indians - -- -----. White Earth Hospital, Minn., appropria- tion for ------------------------ White Mountain National Forest, N. H. and Maine, appropriation for protec- tion and management ------------- Whiteoak Creek, Ohio, examination for flood-control purposes authorized ---- Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge, ap- propriation for maintenance ------- Wild Animals, etc., marking requirements of packages containing, in interstate commerce --------------------- Wildlife Restoration, appropriation for Federal aid in--------------------- Willahan, William C., appropriation for payment to-------------------- William W. Hastings Hospital, Okla., appropriation for---------------- Williamsburg Lodge, Numbered Six, A. F. & A. M ., of Virginia, return of original manuscript of lodge proceed- ings to, authorized---------------- Wind Cave National Park, S. Dak., ap- propriation for administration, etc - - Wind River Hospital, Wyo., appropriation for------------------------- Wind River Reservation, Wyo.: 'age 975 705 707 513 1416 964 840 965 694 707 1215 728 707 Wisconsin-Continued. Page Superior, modification in location of authorized bridge across St. Louis River from, to Duluth, Minn ---- 756 Witnesses and Jurors, appropriation for fees, etc .---------------------- 636, 905 Women's Bureau. See Labor, Depart- ment of. Work Projects Administration. See also Relief; Works Progress Administra- tion. Administrative expenses, limitation---- 928 Appropriation for ------------------ 927 Anoka and Hennepin Counties, Minn., direct relief to citizens made des- titute by tornado------------- 984 Damage claims --------------- ---- 1329 Bear Canyon, N. Mex., acceptance of easement granted for construction of dam ------------------------ 1198 Acquisition of lands in connection with; funds available --------- 1199 Commissioner, detail of Army officer as, authorized; compensation-------- 929 Compensation of personnel, report on, to Congress-------------------- 928 Completion of Federal projects, funds available----------------------- 927 Construction equipment, restriction on purchase----------------------- 928 Establishment of, as part of Federal Works Agency; transfer of Works Progress Administration to------- 1428 Extension to June 30, 1940 ----------- 929 Materials, limitation on average month- ly expenditure for, per worker - - - 928 Non-Federal projects, allocation of cost- 928 Types of projects authorized -_- --- --- 927 Works Progress Administration, func- tions transferred to-------------- 929 Work Relief. See Emergency Relief Ap- propriation Act of 1939; Relief. Works Agency. See Federal Works Agency. Works Progress Administration. See also Relief; Work Projects Administration. Additional appropriation, relief and work relief, fiscal year 1939 - - 507, 578 Appropriation for- Damage claims-------- 516, 644, 645, 1328 Functions transferred to Work Projects Administration ----------------- 929 Transfer of, to Work Projects Adminis- tration, Federal Works Agency- _ - 1428 World War, appropriation for preparation of naval records of---------------- 781 World War Veterans. See also Veterans; Veterans' Administration. Alien, extension of time for naturaliza- tion of certain, residing in United States------------------------ 851 Appropriation for irrigation systems- 702, 703 Shoshone Indians of, distribution of judgment fund to members-------- 1128 Land-use districts, establishment of_ 1129 Prior debts, liability for ----------- 1130 Purchase of lands; loan fund,etc_ ---- 1129 Availability of funds for---------- 1130 Restoration to tribal ownership of all undisposed-of surplus or ceded lands----------------------- 1129 Winnebago Agency, Nebr., deposit of sum to credit of, to replace funds lost in bank failure--------------------- 1267 Winnebago Hospital, Nebr., appropriation for------------------------------ 707 Winnebago Reservation, Nebr., appropria- tion for construction and repair---- 712 Winona, Minn., time extended for bridg- ing Mississippi River at------------ 1082 Winslow Sanatorium, Ariz., appropriation for---------------------------- 706 Wisconsin: Appropriation for support, etc., of In- dians-------------- 697, 707, 708, 1315 Cassville, bridge authorized across Mis- sissippi River at--------------- 1235 Osceola, bridge authorized across St. Croix River at----------------- 1076 INDEX CXXIII