Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/1081

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CXIIINE war uepartment-Uontinued. Pagi West Point Military Reservation, N. Y ., conveyance of portion to Palisades Interstate Park Commission; con- ditions -------- .. -- ... . ..------803 Yerba Buena Island, San Francisco Bay, Calif., transfer of portion of Mili- tary Reservation for Coast Guard use -------------------------. 1130 Youngstown, N. Y ., grant of right-of- way, etc., on Fort Niagara Mili- tary Reservation to---------. -- . 842 Appropriation authorized----------- 843 War Department Building, appropriation for acquisition of land and construc- tion--.-----...........---------. 673 War Finance Commission, abolished; func- tions transferred ------. ------ --- _ 1432 War Minerals Relief Commission, appro- priation for ---- .--- --..- ---- --- -- 689 Warehouse Act, appropriation for carry- ing provisions into effect ----. -- 969, 1312 Warm Springs Hospital, Oreg., appropria- tion for ------.- -- --. --- -. --- --- - 707 Warm Springs Irrigation Project, Oreg., appropriation for------------------ 699 Warm Springs Reservation, Oreg., appro- priation for construction and repair__ 712 Warren, Ohio, bridge authorized across Mahoning River at ---------------- 623 Warren River, bridge authorized across, at Barrington, R. I-


_----. 1206 Wasatch National Forest, Utah, appro- priation for acquisition of land for soil-erosion control, etc ----------- 957 Washington: Apples produced in, provisions of Agri- cultural Marketing Act of 1937 made applicable to-------------. 793 Appropriation for- Grand Coulee Dam project, construc- tion------.---------------- -- 719 Indians- Irrigation projects -------- 699, 702, 703 Support, etc -------------------- 696, 702, 707, 708, 1314, 1316 Mount Rainier National Park, ad- ministration, etc-------------- 727 Olympic National Park, administra- tion, etc ---- _.-------------- 727 Yakima project, operation and main- tenance, etc---..----.----. 715, 717 Kaniksu National Forest, lands added- _ 1347 Kettle Falls, bridge authorized across Columbia River at---------- .- - - 1235 Rivers and harbors, preliminary exam- inations authorized-------------- 1417 Seattle, acceptance of certain land in, authorized--------------------- 1078 Wenatchee National Forest, lands added------------------------- 1412 Washington, D. C . See also District of Columbia. Naval Gun Factory, active-duty pay to retired officer assigned for duty at- Navy Yard, appropriation for construc- tion at --------. _---- ----_ __- Washington City Post Office, reimburse- ment for heat furnished by Capitol power plant ------------ _____-___ Water Rights, appropriation for investiga- tions, etc---------- -- --- ___ . . --. Waterways Treaty, United States and Great Britain, appropriation for ---- Watts Bar, Tenn., appropriation for con- struction of dam in Tennessee River near-------------------------- __ _ Wayne. See General Anthony Wayne Memorial Commission. Weather Bureau. See Agriculture, De- partment of. Weather Bureau Building, appropriation for construction, etc.- -- -- -- -.. .. . Weights and Measures, International Bu- reau of, appropriation for contribu- tion ----------------------- ___._ Weights and Measures, International Committee of, appropriation for at- tendance of American member ---_ - Wenatchee National Forest, Wash., addi- tion of certain lands authorized ---- West Point, N. Y.: Appropriation for- Bullion depository----------------- Land, acquisition of------ .. .. .. .. . West Point Military Reservation, N. Y., conveyance of portion to Palisades Interstate Park Commission; condi- tions -------- __. .. .. .--- __.-___ ._ "West Virginia," U. S . S., removal of cost limitation on overhaul-.- -.- .. .. ... . Western Cherokee Indians, funds made available for payment of expenses of attorneys -------------- ___-__.- Western Navajo Hospital, Ariz., appropri- ation for----------------- ___ .___ Western or Old Settler Cherokees, ap- propriation for payment to-- .. . . . . . . Western Shoshone Hospital, Nev., appro- priation for-------------.

____ Western Shoshone Indians, Nev., appro- priation for irrigation systems------ Western Shoshone Irrigation Project, Nev., appropriation for - .----- _- Whaling Treaty Act: Enforcement of, transferred to Secre- tary of the Interior .-- - _ __ _ ------ Appropriation for- -- _ ----.-_-__ --- Wheat: Farm marketing quota, computation- - - National allotment for, minimum---- Parity Davments. annrnrinatin for Page 767 773 833 956 894 542 947 891 911 1412 670 603 803 1079 713 706 1315 707 703 699 1433 918 1126 1125 974 CXX II INDEX - - i-~ '--g

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