Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 51.djvu/357

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May 2, 1956 TURKEY-CLAIMS- e 15,193 355 In accordance with the arrangement reached between us the Turkish Government will pay this debt in equal instalments in thirteen years and the first instalment will be paid on June 1, 1936. These instalments, the amount of each being $1,832.68, will be applied to the liquidation of the $23,824.86 of the abovementioned debt. Each instalment will be paid to the Government of the United States in connection with the liquidation of the lump sum of $1,300,000 to be paid by Turkey under the American Claims Agreement concluded between Turkey and the United States of America on October 25, 1934, and in addition to the $100,000 payable every year (under that Agreement). I confirm in the name of my Government the Agreement reached in this form. On this occasion, Excellency, please accept the assurance of my highest consideration. Dr. T. R. ARAS. His Excellency Mr. MACMURRAY, Ambassador of the United States of America, Ankara. The Turkish Minister for Foreign Affairs (Aras) to the American Ambassador (MacMurray) TUiRKIYE CUMHURIYETI HARICIYE VEKALETt 10962/15 ANKARA, le 15 Juin 1936 MONSIEUR L'AMBASSADEUR, Me referant Ama lettre No 1-5 en date de ce jour, j'ai l'honneur de porter a la connaissance de Votre Excellence que les formalit&s prevues par la procedure legislative pour la ratification de l'Arrange- ment relatif A la somme de 23,824,86 Dollars provenant des d6bourse- ments effectues par les Etats-Unis pour la protection des int6rets turcs en Angleterre, France et certains autres pays strangers durant la periode 1914-1918, n'ayant pu etre accomplies qu'aujourd'hui, le versement de la premiere annuite qui devait avoir lieu le ler Juin 1936, se fera exceptionnellement pour cette annee, avec un retard de quelques jours. Veuillez agreer, Monsieur l'Ambassadeur, les assurances de ma trbs haute consideration. Pour le Ministre Le Secretaire General N R MENEMENCIOGLU Son Excellence Monsieur MACMURRAY, Ambassadeur des Etats-Unis d'Amerique Ankara