Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 51.djvu/356

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES The Turkish Minister for Foreign Affairs (Aras) to the American Ambassador (MacMurray) TiURKiYE CUMHURiYETI HARICIYE VEKALETI 10961/15 ANKARA, 15 Haziran 1936. EKSELANS, Amerika Birlesik Devletleri HIikumeti tarafindan 1914-1917 seneleri zarfmda Ingiltere, Fransa ve sair bazi ecnebi memleketlerde Tiirkiye tebaasmm menafiini korumak icin ihtiyar olunan ve henuz 6denmemis bulunan mesarif tutar baldyesi 23,824.86 dolar hakkmda evvelce cereyan eden g6riismelerde aramizda tekarriir eyleyen tesviye suretini Amerika Birlesik Devletleri Hiikumeti namma kabul ettigi- nizi tezammun eden 29 Mayis 1936 tarih ve 10-A saylh Notamzi almakla seref kazandim. Beynimizde tekarriir eden Anlasma mucibince Tiirkiye Hiikimeti bu borcu oniiq senede miisavi taksitlerle 6deyecek ve ilk taksit 1 Haziran 1936 da tediye olunacaktlr. Beheri 1,832.68 dolar tutan bu taksitler yukarlda amlan 23,824.86 dolarlik borcun tasfiyesine tahsis edilecektir. Her taksit, Tiirkiye ile Amerika Birlesik Devlet- leri arasmida 25 Ilktesrin 1934 tarihinde Amerika metalibi hakkmda hasll olan anlasma mucibince Tiirkiye tarafmdan odenecek olan cem'- an 1.300 .000 dolara mahsuben beher sene tediye edilecek 100.000 dolara ilaveten Amerika Birlesik Devletleri Hiikiumetine tesviye olunacaktlr. Bu suretle hasil olan Uzlasmayl Hu1ikmetim namina teyid ederim. Bu vesile ile de Yiiksek sayfilarmin liitfen kabul buyurulmasim rica cylerim Ekselans. Dr. T. R. ARAS Ekselans Mr. MAcMURRAY Amerika Birlesik l)evletleri iiyiik EClisi Ankara [Translatlon] TURKISH REPUBLIC MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS 10961/15 ANKARA, June 15, 1936. EXCELLENCY: TC(nfirmatiyo by I have had the honor of receiving your note dated May 29, 1936, No. 10-A, in which it is stated that in the name of the Government of the United States you accept in accordance with the negotiations which have previously taken place, the form of payment of the as yet unpaid balance of $23,824.86 of the expenses incurred by the Government of the United States during the years 1914-1917 in connection with the protection of the interests of Turkish citizens in England, France, and in certain other countries.