Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/223

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7 4TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 101. MAY 9, 1935. a sufficient voucher for the sum therein expressed to have been expended . DIVISION OF GRAZING CONTROL For carrying out the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to stop injury to the public grazing lands by preventing overgrazing an d soil deteri oratio n, to provid e for their o rderly use, improv ement, and development, to stabilize the livestock industry dependent upon the public range, and for other purposes ", approved June 28, 1934 (48 Stat . 1269), including traveling and other necessary expenses, not to exceed $111,080 for personal services in the District of Columbia, and not to exceed $5,000 for the purchase, exchange, operation, and maintenance of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles, $150,000 ; for payment of subsistence and expenses of advisory committees of local stockmen, $100,000 ; in all, $250,000, to be immediately available and t o be expended u nder the direc tion of the Secretary of the Interior . Grazing Control di- vision . Expenses . Vol.48,p.1269. Post, p.1619. Traveling expenses . Advisory committee expenses. Department contin- gent expenses. Post, p. 583 . Property damages. Ve hicl es. Disbarment proceed- ings . Stationery, etc . Additional fro m spec- ified appropriations . CONTIN GENT EX PENSES, DEPAR TMENT OF THE I NTERIOR For contingent expenses of the office of the Secretary and the bureaus and offices of the department ; furniture, carpets, ice, lumber, hardware, dry g oods, advertisi ng, telegraphin g, telephone serv ice, including personal services of temporary or emergency telephon e operators ; street-car fares for use by messengers not exceeding $1 50 ; expres sage, diagrams, awnings, fili ng devices, typewriters, adding and ad dressin g mach ines a nd othe r labo r-savi ng devices, including the repair, exchange, and maintenance thereof ; construct- ing model and o ther cases and furniture ; pos tage sta mps to p repa y postage on foreign mail and for special-delivery and air mail stamps for use in the United States ; traveling expenses, including necessary expenses of inspectors and attorneys ; fuel and light ; examination of esti mates for ap propri ations in the field for a ny bure au, of fice, or service of the department ; not exceeding $500 for the payment of damages caused to private property by department motor vehicles ; not to exceed $2,500 for the purchase of a motor-propelled passenger- carryin g vehi cle fo r the officia l use of the Secre tary of the I nterio r ; purchase and exchange of motor trucks, motorcycles, and bicycles, maintenance, re pair, and opera tion of two mot or-propelled p assen- ger-carrying vehicles and motor trucks, motorcycles, and bicycles to be used only for official purposes ; rent of department garage ; expense of taking testimony and preparing the same in connection with disbarment proceedings instituted against persons charged with improper practices before the department, its bureaus and offices ; expense of translations, and not exceeding $1,000 for contract steno- graphic reporti ng services ; n ot e x ce ed i ng $700 for newspapers ; station ery, i ncludi ng tag s, labe ls, in dex ca rds, c loth-li ned wr appers , and specimen ba gs, printed in the course of m anufacture, an d such printed envelopes as are not supplied under contracts made by the Postmaster G eneral, for th e department an d its several b ureaus and offices, and other absolutely necessary expenses not here inbe fore provided for, $94,000 ; and, in addition thereto, sums amounting to $41,000 for stationery supplies shall be deducted from other appro- priations made for the fiscal year 1936 as follows : General Land Office, $3,500 ; Geological Survey, $5,500 ; Freedmen's Hospital, $1,000 ; Saint Elizabeths Hospital, $2,200 ; National Park Service, $10,000 ; Bureau of Reclamation, $10,000, any unexpended portion of which shall revert and be credited to the reclamation fund ; Divi- sion of Investigations, $1,000 ; Bureau of Mines, $6,800 ; Division of Grazing Control, $1,000

and said sums so deducted shall be credited