Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2072

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74TH CON GRES S . SESS. II. CHS. 861, 862. JUNE 29, 1936.

2027 Township 14 south, range 4 east, sections 1 and 12 ; township 14 south, range 5 east, se ctions 1 to 26, inclusive , 35, and 36 ; to wnship 14 south, range 6 east ; township 14 south, range 7 east ; township 14 south, range 8 east ; township 14 south, range 9 east . Township 15 south, range 6 east, sections 1 to 18, inclusive ; town- ship 15 south, range 6 east, sections 21 to 27, inclusive ; townshi p 15 south, range 6 east, sections 34, 35, and 36 ; township 15, south, range 7 east ; township 15 south, range 8 east ; township 15 south, range 9 east ; township 15 south, range 10 east, sections 29, 30, 31, and 32 . Township 16 south, range 6 east, sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16 ; township 16 south, range 7 east ; township 16 south, range 8 ea st ; tow nship 16 south, range 9 ea st, sections 1 to 12, inclusive ; township 16 south, range 10 east, sections 5, 6, 7, and 8 . Township 17 south, range 8 east, San Bernardino meridian : Pro- vided, That the Secretary of the Interior may set aside lands of approximately forty-two thousand acres of the above-described area, and may in his discretion, and under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, transfer complete title to all or any part of the same to the State of California on the basis of acre for acre in con- sideration of the transfer by the State of California to the United States of the complete title to lands owned by said State within the area withdrawn by Executive Order Numbered 6361 of October 25, 1933, and the provis ions of section 2 of th is Act shall no t apply the reto . SEC . 2 . Upon the submission of satisfactory proof that the land selected contains characteristic desert growth and scenic or other natural features which it is desirable to preserve as a part of the Calif ornia St ate par k system , the S ecretary of the Interio r shall cause patents to issue therefor : Provided, That there shall be reserved to the United States all coal, oil, gas, or other mineral container 1 in such lands, together with the right to prospect for, mine, and remove the same at such times and under such conditions as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe : Provided further, That any patent so issued shall contain a provision for reversion of title to the United States upon a finding by the Secretary of the Interior that for a period of more than one year the land has not been used by the State for park purposes : And provided further, That in order ,, "ato n purposescon- to consolidate park areas or to eliminate private holdings therefrom, lands patented hereunder may be exchanged with the approval of and under rules prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior for privately owned lands in the area hereinbefore described of approxi- mately equal value containing the natural features sought to be pre- served hereby . The lands so acquired to be subject to all the condi- tions and reservations prescribed by this Act, including the rever- sionary clause hereinbefore set out . Approved, June 29, 1936 . [CHAPTER 862 .1 AN ACT To provide for the selection of certain lands in the State of California for the use of the California State park system . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That subject to v alid righ ts ex isti ng on the date of this Act, the Stat e of Cali forni a ma y withi n five y ears se lect for State park pur poses b y legal sub- divis ions all or any portion o f the public land not rese rved for public purposes in the following townships I So in original. Proviso . Basis of transfer. Lands selected of desert growth and sce nic, etc ., features. Provisos . Minerals, serv ed . etc ., re- Reversionary pro- vision . Condit ions im posed . June 29, 1936 . [S. 4634 .1 [Public, No. 839.) State of California. Selection of certain lands by, for park purposes, authorized .