Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2071

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7 4TH CONGRESS . SESS . II. CHS . 860, 861 . JUNE 29, 1936. Feder al paymen ts to States in lieu of taxes . Proceeds from opera- tion of projects for payments and other expenses. Rentals. Accommodations limited to families with insuffic ient incom e . P rovi so . B asis of compu ta- tion . "Rental" defined . Dedication of streets, et c. SEC . 2 . Upon the request of any State or political subdivision in which any such project has been or will be constructed, the Federal Emergency Administrator of Public Works is authorized to enter into an agreement, and to consent to the renewal or alteration thereof, with such State or subdivisions for the payment by the United States of sums in lieu of taxes . Such sums shall be fixed in such agreement and shall be based upon the cost of the public or municipal services to be supplied for the benefit of such project or the persons re siding on or occupying such premises, but taking into consideration the benefits to be derived by such State or subdivision from such project. SEC . 3 . Such payments in lieu of taxes, and any other expenditures for operation and maintenance (including insurance) of any low- cost housing or slum-clearance project described in section 1, shall be made out of the receipts derived from the operation of such pro jects . To provide for such payments and expenditures the Fed- eral Emergency Administrator of Public Works is authorized from time to time to retain out of such receipts such sums as he may esti- mate to be necessary for such purposes . SEC. 4. (a) In the administration of any low-cost housing or slum- clearance project described in section 1, the Federal Emergency Administrator of Public Works shall fix the rentals at an amount at least sufficient to pay (1) all necessary and proper administrative expenses of the project ; (2) such sums as will suffice to repay, within a period not exceeding sixty years, at least 55 per centum of the initial cost of the project, together with interest at such rate as he deems advisable . (b) Dwelling accommodations in such low-cost housing or slum- clearance projects shall be available only to families who lack suffi- cient income, without the benefit of financial assistance, to enable them to live in decent, safe, and sanitary dwellings and under other than over crowded h ousing c onditions : P ro vi de d, That no family shall be accepted as a tenant in any such project whose aggregate income exceeds five times the rental of the quarters to be furnished su ch f am i ly . The term "rental" as used in this subsection includes the average cost (as determined by the Federal Emergency Admin- istrator of Public Works) of heat, light, water, and cooking, where such services are not supplied by the lessor and included in the rent . SEC . 5 . In connection with any low-cost housing or slum-clearance project described in section 1, the Federal Emergency Adminis trator of Public Works, with the approval of the President, is autho rized to dedicate streets, alleys, and parks for public use, and to grant easements . Approved, June 29, 1936 . [CHAPTER 861 .1 June 29, 1936 .

AN ACT [S .4633 .] To provide for the selection of certain lands in the State of California for the use [Public, No . 838 .1

of the California State park system . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of California. United States of America in Congress assembled, That subject to Selection of certain public lands by, for valid rights existing on the date of this Act, the State of California park purposes, author- iz ed may, within five years, select for State park purposes by legal sub- divisions all or any portion of the public land not reserved for public purposes in the following township s Description . Township 13 south, range 4 east, San Bernardino meridian, sec- tions 25, 26, 35, and 36 ; township 13 south, range 5 east ; township 13 south, range 6 east ; township 13 south, range 7 east ; township 13 south, range 8 east ; township 13 south, range 9 east .