Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1476

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74TH C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH . 489. JUNE 4, 1936 .

1431 shall by law or by suitable action in keeping with its authority in the matter, and by rules and regulations adopted and enforced in pursuance thereof, provide inspection of tuberculous or paratuber- culous cattle and for compensation to owners of cattle so condemned, but no part of the money hereby appropriated shall be used in comp ensating owners of such cattle except in coo peration with a nd supp lementary to pa yments to be ma de by State, T erritory, count y, or municipality where condemnation of such cattle shall take place, nor shall any payment be made hereunder as compensation for or on account of any such animal if at the time of inspection or test, or at the time of condemnation thereof, it shall belong to or be upon the premises of any person, firm, or corporation to which it has been so ld, sh ipped, or de livered for t he pur pose o f being slaug htered

Pr ovided furth er, That out of the money hereby appropriated no compensation lim- payment as compensation for any cattle condemned for slaughter ited . shall exceed one-third of the difference between the appraised value of such cattle and the value of the salvage thereof ; that no payment hereunder shall exceed the amount paid or to be paid by the State, Territory, county, and municipality where the animal shall be con- d em ned ; th at in no case s hall any paymen t hereunder be more than $25 for any grade animal or more than $50 for any purebred animal, and that no payment shall be made unless the owner has complied with all lawful quarantine regulations . Eradi cating cattle ticks : For al l neces sary e xpense s for the er adi- Eradicating southern cation of southern cattle ticks, $513,940 : Provided, That, except caProviso . upon the written order of the Secretary of Agriculture, no part of etc ., Purch ase . anim als, limited th is app ropriat ion sh all be used for th e purch ase of anima ls or in the purchase of materials for or in the construction of dipping vats upon land no t owne d sole ly by the Uni ted St ates, except at fai rs or exposi - tions where the Department of Agriculture makes exhibits or demon- strations ; nor shall any part of this appropriation be used in the oa "Extures for dipping purchase of materials or mixtures for use in dipping vats except in experimental or demonstration work carried on by the offici als or agents of the Bureau of Animal Industry . Eradicating dourine : For all necessary expenses for the investi- Eradicating dourine . gation, treatment, and eradication of dourine, $8,613 . Hog cholera control : For the co ntrol and era dicati on of h og Hog cholera control. cholera and related swi ne diseases, b y such means as may be neces- sary, including demonstrations, the formation of organizations, and other methods, either independently or in cooperation with farmers' associations, State or county authorities, $127,192 . Inspection . and

For inspection and quarantine work Inspection and quar. 1?

quarantine :

I antine work . includin g all necessary expenses for the eradication of scabies in sheep and cattle, the inspection of southern cattle, the supervision of the transportation of livestock, and the inspection of vessels, the executio n of the twenty -eight-hour la w, the inspecti on and quaran- tine of imported animals, including the establishment and mainte- nance of quarantine stations and repairs, alterations, improvements, or additions to buildings thereon ; the inspection work relative to Mallein testing of the existence of contagious diseases, and the mallein testing of am- animals. mals, $669,935 . Meat insp ecti on : For expenses in carrying out the provisions of Me 34, pc ti 679, on 1260 . the Meat Inspection Act of June 30, 1906'(U . S. C., title 21, sec. 95), u.S. C., pp. 926, 923. as amended by the Act of March 4, 1907 (U. S. C., title 21, sees . 71-94), as extended to equine meat by the Act of July 24, 1919 Equine Piti . (U.

C., title 21, sec . 96), and as authorized by section 2 (a) of u .s.c,p.926. the Act of June 26, 1934 (48 Stat . 1224), including the purchase of aS.C, p .1411. tags, labels, stamps, and certificates printed in course of manufac- ture, $5,258,194 .