Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1432

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHS. 465, 466. MAY 27, 28, 1936 .

13 87 [CHAPTER 465 .1 AN ACT May 27, 1936. Authorizing the Se cretary of Commerce to convey the Charleston Army Base [9.3783.] Terminal to the city of Charleston, South Carolina .

[Public, No. 624 .] Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of C ommerce is autho rized an d direct ed to co nvey by quitclai m deed to the city of Charleston, South Carolina, that portion of the Charleston Quartermaster Intermediate Depot, including improve- ment s thereo n, which was tra nsferred to the United S tates Sh ipping Board by Executive Order Numbered 3920 dated November 3, 1923, with the exception of such portion of said land as has been retrans- ferred to the War Department by Executive order, or is now under consideration for retransfer, and also subject to all the rights and privileges now enjoyed by the War Department as specifically set forth in said Executive Order Numbered 3920, or as may hereafter be agreed upon by Secretary of War and the city of Charleston Provided, however, That the charges for water and electric current furnished the War Department shall not exceed rates prevailing in the city of Charleston and vicinity for such services . SEC . 2. The deed executed by the Secretary of Commerce shall incl ude a pr ovision prohibit ing the city of Charlest on from trans- ferring the title to said property to any person, firm, or corporation and sh all contain th e express con dition that i n the event of a national emergency the property so conveyed, with all improvements placed thereon, may be taken upon order of the President by the United States for the use of the War Department during the period of such emergency . Approved, May 27, 1936 . [CHAPTER 466 .) Charleston, S . C. Convereance of por- ti on of Charleston Quarterma ster Inter- mediate Depot to city, authorized . Proviso . Charges for water and elec tric curr ent . Provisions to be stip . ulated in deed . AN ACT

Mare 28,1 936 . To authorize the coin age of 50 -cent pie ces in com memoratio n of the one hundr ed [S . 4448.1 and fiftieth anniversary of the issuance of the charter to the city of Lynchburg,

[Public, No . 625.] Virginia . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in. Congress assembled, That in commemo- ra tion of the one hundred and fift ieth ann iversary of the issuance of the charter to the city of Lynchburg, Virginia, there shall be coined at a mint of the United States to be designated by the Director of the Min t not to exceed twenty t housand silver 5 0-cent p ieces of standard size, weight, and composition and of a special appropriate single design to be fixed by the Director of the Mint, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, but the United States shall not be subject to the expense of making the necessary dies and other preparations for this coinage . SEC. 2. The coins herein authorized shall bear the date 1936, irre- spective of the year in which they are minted or issued, shall be le gal tend er in an y paymen t to the amount of their face va lue, and shall be issued only upon the request of the Lynchburg Sesqui- Ce ntennial Associa tion upo n paymen t by it of the p ar value of such coi ns, but not le ss than five thousand such coins shall b e issued to i t at any one time and no such coins shall be issued after the expiration of one year after the date of enactment of this Act . Such co ins may be disposed of at par or at a premium by such association, and the net proceeds shall b e used b y it in defrayin g the ex penses in cidental and app ropriate to the commemor ation of such ev ent . Lre nchburg, Va. Coinage commemo- rating sesqui centenn ial of, authorized . Number. No Federal expense for dies, etc. Issue to Lynchburg Sesqui-Centennial As- sociation. Disposal .