Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1431

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1386 To be pa id bre ship's maste r, etc . Use of receipts, fiscal reear 1936. Provisos . Disp osition, Julre 1 , 1936, and thereafter. Appropriations au- thorized to cover defi- ciencies . Pare due if reportin g for dutre . Wor ki ng hours . Regulations tobe made . thoppr priation au- Inconsistent law s re- pealed . Mare 27, 1936 . [H.R. 11747 .1 [Public, No.623 .1 74TH CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHS . 463, 464 . MAY 27,1936 . pay for the full period from 5 o'clock postmeridian to 8 o'clock antemeridian) and two additional days' pay for Sunday or holiday duty . The said extra compensation for overtime services shall be paid by the master, owner, or agent of such vessel to the local United States collector of customs or his representative who shall deposit such collection into the Treasury of the United States to an appro- priately designated receipt account . The amount of the receipts so covered during the fiscal year 1936 is hereby authorized to be appro- priated and made available for payment of extra compensation for overtime services to the several employees entitled thereto accordin to rates fixed therefor by the Secretary of Commerce : Provide That effective July 1, 1936 and thereafter, the amounts of such col- lections received by the said collector of customs or his representative shal l be covered in to the Treasury as miscellane ous receipts ; a n d the payments of such extra compensation to the several employees enti tled thereto sh all be made fro m the annual a ppropriations f or salaries and expenses of the Bureau : Provided further, That to the extent that the annual appropriations, which are hereby authorized to be made from the general fund of the Treasury, are insufficient, there are hereby authorized to be appropriated from the general fund of the Treasur y such addition al amounts as may be necessar y, to the extent that the amounts of such receipts are in excess of the amounts appropriated : Provided, That such extra compensation shall be paid if such officers or employees have been ordered to report for duty and have so reported, whether the actual inspection of the vessel or her equipment, or the supplying, or signing on, or discharging crews takes place or not : Provided further, That in those ports where customary working hours are other than those herein above mentioned, the local inspectors of steam vessels or United States shipping commissioners, as the case may be, are vested with authority to regulate the hours of such employees so as to agree with prevailing working hours in said ports, but nothing con- tained in this proviso shall be construed in any manner to alter the length of a working day for the local inspectors, their assistants, the United States shipping commissioners and their deputies and assist- ants, or the overtime pay herein fixed . SEC. 7. The Secretary of Commerce may make such regulations as may be necessar y to carry out the purposes of this Act . SEC. 8. There are hereby authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act . SEC . 9 . That all laws or parts of laws insofar as they are in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed . Approved, May 27, 1936 . [CHAPTER 464 .] AN ACT Extending the time for making the report of the commission to study the subject of Hernando De Soto's Expedition . Be i t enacted by th e Senate and Ho use of Represe ntatives of the Her nan do De Soto's United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the commis- Expedition Commis- sio1nme for making re- sion to study the subject of Hernando De Soto's Expedition, p ort br e, extended . appointed pursuant to the joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution Pra te, pertaining to an appropriate celebration of the four-hundredth anni- p.870. Post, p . ° 1635 ,

versary of the expedition of Hernando De Soto", approved August 26, 1935, ma y make its rep ort to Congress on or before January 2, 1939 . Approved, May 27, 1936 .