Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1319

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12 74 Mare 15, 1936 . [S. 3372 .] [Public, No. 588.] Hares, Mont. Fu nds for public- school construct ion, au- thor ized . Prov isos . No r acia l di scrim ina- tion . Tuition fee, Indian children . Expenditures . Reimbursement of appropriation . Plans and specifica- tions . Supervision and pay- ments. May 15, 1936 . [S.3687.] [Public, No. 589 .] 74TH CONGRESS . SESS . II. CHS. 394, 395. MAY 15,1936 . [CHAP TER 394 .] AN ACT To provide funds fo r coopera tion with the publi c-school district at Hays, Mon- tana, for construction and improvement of public-school buildings to be available for Indian children . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That there is he reby auth orized to be appr opriated, out of any funds in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $50,000 for the purpose of coo perating with the Hays Public School District, Hays, Montana, for const ruction and impro vement o f grade- and high- school buildings : Provided, That said schools shall be available to both white and India n chi ldren with out d iscri minat ion, excep t tha t tuition may be paid for Indian children attending in the disc retion of the Secretary of the Interior : Provided further, That expendi- ture s of money s aut horiz ed he reby shall be s ubjec t to such furth er conditions as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior Provided further, That this appropriation shall be reimbursed in not more than thirty years without interest, either through reducing the annual Federal tuition payments for the education of Indian pupils attending such school, by the acceptance of Indian pupils in such school without cost to the United States ; or in such other mann er as the Secre tary of th e Int erior may direc t : And provided fu rt he r, That plans and speci ficat ions shall be f urnis hed b y loc al or State authorities, without cost to the United States, and upon approval thereof by the Com mis sioner of Indian Affairs, work shall proceed under the direction of local or State officials, payment therefor to be made monthly on the basis of wor k in place and upon vouchers approved by a responsible official of the Indian Service . Approved, May 15, 1936 . [C HAPT ER 395 .] AN ACT To validate payments, and to relieve the accounts of disbursing officers of the Army on account of payments made to Reserve officers on active duty for rental allowances . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives of the Armre disbursing of- United States of America in Congress assembled, That all payments ficers. Par e ments for cer tain made to military per sonnel of the Army on account of rental allow- r ental a llowanc es vali - ances, where the Secretary of War, under the authority of the Act of us3 , pp62 64.

March 4, 1915 (28 -1 Stat. 1069 ; U. S. C., title 10, sec . 718), has deter- mined t hat no quarters are available for such personnel, are hereby counts f all owed in ac- ratified and validated, and the Comptroller General of the United Stat es is here by directe d to credi t the acco unts of di sbursing o fficers of the United States with such payments, and to accept as final and conclus ive in the audit of such accounts the determinations made by the Secretary of War under that Act . Approved, May 15, 1936 . 1 So In original .