Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1318

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHS . 391-393 . MAY 15,1936 .

1273 amend the pleadings at any time prior to the entry of final judgment so as to include all claims said Indians may have under said Act against the United States and any defense the United States may have thereto . Approved, May 15, 1936 . [CHAPTER 392 .] AN ACT Mare 15, 1936 . To pro vid e fun ds for cooperation with Wellpinit School Dis tr ict Numbered 49, [S .2849 .1 Stevens County, W ashington , for the construct ion of a public-sc hool buil ding [Public, No. 586.] to be available for Indian children of the Spokane Reservation . Be it enacted by the Senate and How e of Representatives of the Un ited Stat es of Ame rica in Congress assemble d, That there is wSteevens Count r e, hereby au thorized to be ap propriate d, out o f any mon ey in the Funds for public- Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $75,000 for the for ea construction, a°' purpose of cooperating with Wellpinit School District Numbered 49, Stevens County, Washington, for the construction and equip- ment of a public-school building in the vicinity of Wellpinit, Wash- ington : Pr o vi de d, That the expen diture o f any mon ey author ized Att en da nce of Indian to be appropriated herein shall be subject to the condition that the children. school maintained by said district in such building shall be available to all Indian children of the Spokane Indian Reservation on the same terms, except as to payment of tuition, as other children of said school district : Provided further, That such expenditures shall Lim ita ti ons on ex- be subject to such further conditions as may be prescribed by the penditnres . Secretary of the Interior . Appr oved, May 15, 193 6 . [CHAP TER 393 .] AN ACT Mare 15, 1936 . To amend s ection 13 (c) of t he Act en titled "An Act to provide for the regula- [S .3161 .1 ti on of motor-vehicle traffic in the District of Columbia and so forth" ,, [Public, No. 587.] approved March 3, 1925, as amended . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States of America in Congress assembled, T hat s ec ti on 1 3 (c) of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the regulation of motor- vehicle traffic in the District of Columbia, and so forth7', approved March 3, 1925, as amended, be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to read as follows "The Commissioners of the District of Columbia, or their desig- nated agent, may suspend or revoke the right of any nonresident person as defined in section 8 (title 6, sec. 245 (a), D . C . Code), to operate a motor vehicle in the District of Columbia, for any cause they or their agent may deem sufficient, and the proper authority at the place of issuance of the permit, or other authority to operate a motor vehicle, shall be notified of such suspension and the reason therefor, immediately : Provided, That such order of suspension or rev ocati on sh all t ake e ffect ten days after its issua nce, and t he same be subject to review and appeal in the manner and under the same conditions as are provided for such matters in section 13 (a) (title 6, sec. 250 (a), D. C. Code)." Approv ed, May 1 5, 1936 . 1 So in original. District of Columbia Traf fic Act, 192 5, amendment . Vol . 43,1).1125. Suspension, etc ., of rights of nonresidents to operate motor ve . hicles . Notification of au- tho ritre granting oper- ating permit . Proviso . Effective d ate of order . Review and appeal .