Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/742

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2346 Gangway. INTERNATIONAL LOAD LINE CONVENTION. JULY 5, 1930. be as high above the superstructure deck as is reasonable and prac- ticable and are to have strong steel covers permanently attached in their proper positions. Rule XCVI.- Gangway. An efficiently constructed permanent gangway of sufficient strength for its exposed position is to be fitted fore and aft at the level of the sUPbrstructure deck b~tween the poop and midship bridge, and when crew are berthed forward, from the bridge to the forecastle, or other equivalent means of access may be provided to carry out the purpose of the gangway, such as passages below deck. Rule XCVII.-Protection oj Grew, Accp-ss to Machinery Space, &c. Protection of crew, d'f f h II machinery space, etc. Safe an satis actory access rom t e gangway eve to the quar- Hatchways. Ventilators. ters of the crew, the machinery space and all other parts used in the necessary work of the ship, is to be available at all times. This rule does not apply to pump rooms entered from the freeboard deck, when fitted with Class 1 closing appliances. Rule XCVIII.- Hatchways. All hatchways on the freeboard deck and on the deck of expansion trunks are to be closed watertight by efficient steel covers. Rule XCIX. -VentUators. Ventilators to spaces below the freeboard deck are to be of ample strength or are to be protected by superstructures or equally efficient means. Rule C.-Freeing Arrangements. m!::in g arrange· Ships with bulwarks are to have open rails fitted for at least half the length of the exposed portion of the weather deck or other effec- tive freeing arrangements. The upper edge of the sheer-strttke is to be kept as low as practicable, and preferably not higher than the upper edge of the gunwale bar.