Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/351

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PARCEL POST AGREEMENT-AMERICAS-SPAIN. NOV.l~, 1931. 1957 Parcel Post Agreement between the Americas and Spa,in. Signed at November 10, 193\. AfadrUl, Novem.ber 10, 1931; approved by the President, February 9, 1932. UNION POSTAL DE LAS AM"f;RI- POSTAL UNION OF THE AMERI- Postal Union of the CAS Y ESPA:& A CAS AND SPAIN Americas and Spain. ACUERDO SOBRE ENCO- MIENDAS POSTALES celebrado entre: Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Cana- da, Colombia, CostaRica, Chile, . Dominicana, Ecuador, El Sal- vador, Espana, Estados Unidos de America, Guatemala, Ha.iti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peni, Uru- guay y Venezuela Los infrascritos, Plenipotencia- rios de los Gobiemos de los pafses arriba mencionados en ejercicio de Is. facultad concedida por el arti- culo 5 del Convenio vigente de la Uni6n Postal Universal, convie- nen, bajo reserva de ratificaci6n, en establecer el servicio de enco- miendas, de acuerdo con las clausulas siguientes: ARTfcULO 1 Objeto del Acuerdo 1. Bajo la denominaci6n de "Encomienda Postal," 0 de las expresiones sin6nimas "Paquete Postal" y "BultoPostal", podran expodirse de uno de los pafses pre- cedentemente enumerados a cual- quier otro de los mismos, esta clase de envios. 2. Las encomiendas postales podran revestir el caracter de cer- tificado, con declaraci6n de valor o contra reembolso, cuando los pafses adheridos convengan en adoptar estas modalidades del ser- vicio en sus relaciones reciprocas. 3. La expedici6n de tales envios sera obligatoria en envases de buenas condiciones debidamente cerrados. , E DIlish translation by Post Office DCiJ6rtment. AGREEMENT CONCERNING PARCEL POSTl concluded between ~entina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cbile, the Dominican Republic! Ecua- dor, El Salvador, SpaIn, the United States of America, Gua.- temala., Haiti, Honduras, Mexi- co, Nicaragua, Panama, Para.- guay, Peru, Uruguay and Vene- zuela. Contracting Powers. The undersigned, Plenipoten- tiaries of the Governments of the countries above mentioned, in exercise of the option conferred by Article 5 of the Universal Postul Convention in force, agree, subject to ratification, to the establishment of the parcel-post service in accordance with the following provisions. ARTICLE 1 Object of the Agreem.ent 1. Under the denomination of ~t~lt "parcel post" (" Encomienda Pos- . tal," "Paquete Postal" or "Bulto Postal") this class of mail matter may be sent from anyone of the above-mentioned countries to any other of them. of "paroel 2. Parcels may be sent regis- tered, insured or collect-on -deliv- ery, when the adhering countries agree to adopt these forms of service in their reciprocal rela. - tions. Manner of sendiJJc. . 3. Th~ disp~tch of such p~r~els g20:28, 11 June 2014 (UTC)It: In contaIners In good conditIOn, tory. properly fastened, shall be obli- gatory.