Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/331

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POSTAL CONVENTION-AMERICAS AND SPAIN. NOV. 10, 1931. 1937 ARTfcULO 26 ARTICLE 26 Vigencia 'II duraci6n del Oonvenio Effective date and duration 0" Ihs Y depOsiJo de las ratijicaciones Oonvention and deposit 0/'rati- 1. El presente Convenio em- pezara a regir ell. 0 de marzo de 1932 y quedara en vigencia sin limitaci6n de tiemJXlll reservan- dose cada una de las Partes con- tratantes el derecho de retirarse de esta Uni6n, mediante aviso dado por su GobiE-rno al de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay con un aDO de anticipaci6n. 2. EI dep6sito de las ratifica- ciones se hara en Madrid, en el m§S breve plazo posible, procu- rando que sea antes de 180 vigencia del Convenio y Acuerdos a que Be refieran, y de cada una de aquellas se levantara el Acta respectiva, cuya copia reInitira el Gobierno de Espana, por 180 via diplomatica, a los Goblernos de los dem§S paises signatarios. 3. Quedan derogadas, a partir de 180 techa en que entre en vigor el presente Convenio, las estipu- laclOnes de 180 Convenci6n Postal Panamericana, sancionada en Mexico e19 de noviembre de 1926. 4.EnelcasodequeelCon- venio no fuere ratificado por uno o varios de los paises contratantes, no dejara de ser valido para los que 10 hayan ratificado. 5. Los paises contratantes po- dran ratificar el Convenio y los Acuerdos, provisionalmente, por correspondencia, dando aviso de ello a las Adrnjnistraciones res- pectiv8.S por medio de la Oficina Internacional, sin perjuicio de que, segUn 180 legislaci6n de cada pais y previa aprobaci6n de los Congresos nacionales, sea con- firmada por la via diplomatica. En fe de 10 resuelto, los Pleni- potenciarios de los Gobiernos de los paises arriba citados suscriben el ;presente Convenio en Madrid a diez de noviembre de Inil nove- cientos treinta y uno. jicaJ.ion8 1. The&resent Convention will EfteetlvedateorCon· bee . Mh VeutiOD. ome e ective arc 1, 1932, and will remain in force without time-liInit, each of the contracting . parties reserving_the right to with- to~J~~.D or fight draw from this Union by means of notice given by its Government to that of the Republic of Uruguay one year in advance. 2. The deposit of ratifications Deposit of ratifica' will be effected in Madrid as soon tlom. as possible, preferably before the effective date of the Convention and Agreements in question, and the relative certificate will be made up for each of them, a copy of which will be sent by the Gov- ernment of Spain, thrOugh diplo- matic channels, to the Govern- ments of the other signatory countries. 3. The stitpulations of the Pan- Ab~tloD of Pan.. Am . tal Co . Amencan Postal COD- encan os nvention veDtioD. sanctioned in Menco, November Vol.45,pp.2409,2433 . 9, 1926, are abrogated, beginning with the date on which the present Convention enters into force. 4 In case that the Convention ValidityifD!>tunani· .' • mollS ratification. IS not ratified by one or more of the contracting countries, it will none the less be valid for those which have ratified it. 5. The contracting countries Provisional ratifiro- 'fhCo . d h tiOD. mayratl y t e nventionan t e Agreements provisionally, by cor- respondence, giving notice thereof to the respective AdIninistrations through the medium of the Inter- national Office, without prejudice to the fact that, according to the legislation of each country and after approval by the National Congresses, it mar be confirmed through diplomatIC channels. In faith of which, the Plenipo- Signatqres. tentiaries of the Governments of the countries above named si~ the present Convention in Madrid on the tenth of November, one thousand nine hundred and thirty- one.