Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/330

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1936 POSTAL CONVENTION-AMERICAS AND SPAIN. NOV. 10, 1931. tratantes que no esten J>revistos en este Convenio, sa sUletarin a las disposiciones del Convenio vigente de 1& Uni6n Postal Uni- . . . versal y su Reglamento. Domestic le&islatlOn. 2. 19ualmente, 1& legislaci6n interior de los dichos pafses sa aplicara en todo aquello que no haya sido previsto por ambos Convenios. ARTfcULO 23 Proposiciones para los Oongresos Unwersale8 Xotification of prop- Td1 t-es ue~ 1 ositions for lOn/!TeSses. .0 OS OS pa1::i q 10~an a Unity of action. Uru6n Postal de las Am6ncas y Espana sa comunicarin, por con- ducto de 10. Oficina Internacional de Montevideo, las proposiciones que formulen para los Congresos Postales Universales, con sais meses de anticipaci6n a 10. fecha en que deba celebrarse el Con- greso de que se trate. ARTfcULO 24 Unidad de acci6n en los Oongresos Postales Unwersales Los parses signatarios del Con- venio Postal Am6ricoespanol que hubieren ratificado el mismo, sa obl!gll.n a dar instrucciones a sus Delegados ante los Congresos Postales Universales, para que sostengan, un8.nime y firinemente, todos los principios establecidos en 10. Uni6n Post8.1 de las Am6ncas y Espana y para que voten, tam- bien de acuerdo con esos postula- dos, quedando exceptuados s610 los casos en que las j)roposiciones a debate afecten exclusivamente a los paises proponentes. ARTICULO 25 Nut1)(J,8 adhesiones Determination of E d dh '6 class of new adherence. ncaso eunanuevaa eSl n, e1 Gobierno de 1& Republica Orien- tal del Uruguay, de comun acuerdo con el Gobierno del pais interesado, determinara 10. cate- ~orla en 10. cual debe ser ~,ste mclu1do a los efectos del reparto de ~os gastos de 10. Oficina Inter- naclonal. countries which are not provided for in this Convention will be subject to the stipulations of the Universal Postal Convention in force and its R~ations. 2. Likewise, tile domestic legis- lation of the said countries will apply in everything that has not been provided for 1iy either Con- vention. ARTICLE 23 Propositions jor Universal Oon- gresses All countries fornftng the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain will advise one another, through the intermediary of the Inter- national Office of Mon~video, of the propositions which they may formulate for Universal Postal Congresses, six months in advance of ilie date on which the Congresa in question is to be held. ARTICLE 24 Unity of action in Unif)ersal Postal Oongresses The countries signator.r to the Americo-Spanish Postal Conven- tion which have ratified the same obligate themselves to instruct their delegates to the Universal Postal Congresses to sustain unan- imously and firmly all the prin- ciples established in the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain and also to vote in accordance with those postulates, except only in cases in which the propositions to be debated affect exclusively the countries proposing them. ARTICLE 25 New adherences In case of a new adherence, the Government cf the Republic of U!-"1lguay, by common consent With the GQvernment of the coun- try concerned, will determine the class in which the said country is to be included, for purposes of sharing the expenses of the Inter- national Office.