Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/278

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1884 TREATY, FRIENDSHIP, ETC., -AUSTRIA. JUNE 19, 1928. Exceptional treat· The stipulations of this Article ment ot border tra1llc. shall not extend to the treatment which either Contracting Party shall accord to purely border traffic within a zone not exceed- ing ten miles (15 kilometres) wide on either side of its cus- t'nited States with toms frontier, or to the treatment Cuba. which is accorded by the United States to the commerce of Cuba Yolo 33, p. 2126. under the provisions of the Com- mercial Convention concluded by . the United States and Cuba on December 11, 1902, or any other commercial convention which hereafter may be con- cluded by the United States with With dependencies Cuba or to the commerce of and Canal Zone. , • • the Umted States WIth any of Equality of internal taxes, etc. its dependencies and the Panama Canal Zone under existing or future laws. ARTICLE VIII. The nationals and merchandise of each High Contracting Party within the territories of the other shall re- ceive the same treatment as nationals and merchandise of the country with regard to inter- nal taxes, transit duties, charges in respect to warehousing and other facilities and the amount of drawbacks and bounties. oJa~i~~atlf~s, ei~t~~ ARTICLE IX. ~ted liability couptry l!lBY c~nduct and other corporations and as- their bUSiness In the •• hh f other. SOclatlOns, W et er or not or pecuniary profit, which have been or may hereafter be organized in accordance with and under the laws, National, State or Pro- vincial, of either High Contract- ing Party and maintain a central office within the territories there- of, shall have their juridical status recognized by the ot.her High Contracting Party provided that the;y pursue no almS within its terntories contrary to its laws. They shall enjoy free ac- cess to the courts of law and equity, on conforming to the laws regulating the matter, as well for the prosecution as for the de- fense of ri~hts in all the degrees of jurisdiction established by law. !Die }8eftimmungen biefee ~rtifele erftteden fidj nidjt aUf bie ~e~anblung, bie einet bet beiben ~o~en berttags fdJHefienben Xeile bem teinen ®tUlAs berfe~t inner~alb einer .Bone bon ~iidJftene 15 ~ilometem (10 IDleilen) ~uebe~nung au beiben @leiten feiner .Bollgrenaen gemii~rt, nodj clUf bie ~e~anblung, meldje feitene ber mereinig. ten @ltaaten bem .panbel mit ~uba auf ®tunb bee am 11. !Deaember 1902 amifdjen ben 5Bereinigten @ltaaten unb ~uba abgefdJloffenen .panbeleabfom. mene ober irgenbeinee anberen .panbele.. abfommene gemii~rt mitb,. bae fnnfrig amifdJen ben mereinigten @ltaaten unb ~uba etma abgefdJloffen mirb, unb audJ nidJt auf ben .panbel ber 5Bereinig" ten @ltaaten mit irgenbeiner' i~ter ~eli~ungen unb ber ~anamafanalaone unter gegenmiirtigen ober aufilnftigen ®efe~. ~rtifeI VIII. !Die @ltaateange~o. tigen unb bie 5IDaren iebee ber ~o~n berttagfdJliefienben Xeile follen inner. ~alb bet ®ebiete bee anberen ~infidjtndj ber inneren ~bgaben, ber !Dutdjfubt.. abgaben, ber ®ebft~en fftr ~agetung unb ~enu~ung anberet .pilfemittel, fomie ~infidjtlidj ber .pii~e bon mftder" ftattungen unb mergfttungen biefelbe ~e~anblung erfa~en, mie @ltaateange" ~iitige unb 5lBaren bee eigenen ~anbee. ~rtifel IX. !Die ffiedjteftellung ber ®efellfdjaften unb mereinigungen mit ober o~ne .paftungebefdjrdnfung, miSgen fie ~merbeameden bienen ober nidjt, meldje gemiifi unb unter bem meidjtl", @ltaate" ober ~anbeetedJt einee ber beiben ~o~en bertmgfdJliefienben Xeile etrldjtet motben finb ober fnnfrig etrldjtet merben unb meldje inner~alb feiner ®ebiete eine .paUl)tnieberlaffung ~aben, foll butdj ben anbem ~o~en ber.. ttagfdjIienenben XeU anerfannt roerben, borauegefe~t, ban fie inner~alb feiner ®ebiete feine feinen ®efe~n mther.. fpredjenben .Bmede berfolgen. @lie follen fomo~l aUt merfolgung ale aut 5Berteibigung i~er medjte in allen gefe,lidj borgefe~enen 3nftanaen unter ~eobadjtung ber auf ben ijall anlDenb.. baren ®efe~e freien .Burntt au ben ®erldjten ~aben.