Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/277

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TREATY, FRIENDSIDP, ETC.,-AUSTRIA. JUNE 19, 1928. 1883 extended to the like article, the growth, produce or manufacture of the other High Contracting Party. All articles which are or may be legally imported from foreign countries into ports of the United States or are or may be legally exported therefrom in vessels of the United States may likewise be imported into those porta or ex- ported therefrom in Austrian vessels without being liable to any other or higher duties or charges whatsoever than if such articles were imported or exported in vessels of the United States; and, reciprocally, all articles which are or may be legally im- ported from foreign countries mto the ports of Austria or are or may be legally exported there- from in Austrian vessels may likewise be imported into those ports or exported therefrom in vessels of the United States without being liable to any other or higher duties or charges what- soever than if such articles were imported or exported in Austrian vessels. With respect to the amount and collection of duties on imports and exports of every kind, each of the two High Contracting Parties binds itself to give to the na- tionals, vessels and goods of the other the advantage of every favor, privilege or immunity which it shall have accorded to the nationals, vessels and goods of a third State, whether such favored State shall have been accorded such treatment patui- tously or in return for reciprocal compensatory treatment. Every such. favor, privilege or immunit;y which shall hereafter be grantea the nationals, vessels or goods of a third State shall simultaneously and unconditionally, without re- guest and without compensation, 6e extended to the other High Contracting Party, for the bene- fit of itself, its nationals, vessels and goods. 3051'- 3 3-PT2-17 mate aUfgebe~nt merbe-Il, menn fie in ben Q5ebieten bet cmberen SBerttagf- teilei gelOOd)fen, eqeugt o~ ~ge- fteRt ift. Euali ftradb !IRe maten, bie auf @5d)iffen ber V~1s o~Yefther c!u[. SBereinigten @5taaten QUe fremben trJ'Poai p 1894 2llnbern in ~fen bet SBereinigten ... @5taaten ie~t ober rttnftig ted)tnUtfJig eingefU~ ober bon bon i~t ober rttnftig ted)tnUtuig QUfgefil~ roerben bilrfen, fDnnen gIeid)ertueife auf Dfter.. teid)ifd)en ed)iffen in biefe ()ltfen eingefil~n ober bon bon QU!gefil~tt roerben, o~ue bafJ fie cmberen ober ~iS~eren Ibgaben obet 2aften iTgeubeiner !In untertuorfen fiub, ale menn fold)e mann auf @5d)iffen bet SBereinigten @5taaten ein- ober QUfg~ roerben; umgere~ fiSnnen aUe mann, bie auf Dfterreid)ifd)en @5d)iffen aue fmnben 2ltnbern nod) ijfterreid)ifd)en ()ltfen i~t ober rttnftig ted)tmttfJig dngefit~n obet bon bon ie~t ober rttnftig ted)tmltfJig QUegefil~ roerben bilrfen, gleid)er.. metfe auf· ed)iffen ber SBereinigten @5taaten in biefe ()ltfen eingefil~ ober bon ben QUeg~ merben, o~ne bafJ fie anberen ober ~D~en Ibgaben ober 2aften itgenbeiner Itt unterroorfen fiub, ale roenn fold)e maten auf Dfter.. teid)ifd)en @5d)iffen eln.. ober QUe.. gefiUJn roerben. ()infid)tlid) ber ()iS~e nub ber it~ u:=!:v~~-:-= bung bon Ibgaben auf <iin- nub lue.. toms duties. fu~ leber In betPflid)tet fid) leber ber beiben ~o~en berttagfd)ItefJenben stelle, ben etaateang~iSrigen, @5d)iffen uub Q5iltern bee anberen steiIet aUe SBer.. gilnftigungen, SBotred)te uub 58efrel.. ungen au gema~ten, bie et ben @5taate.. ange~iSrigen, @5d)iffen uub Q5iltern eiuet britten @5taatet bemiUigt, uub amClt o~ne mttdfid)t batauf, ob bem begiln- ftigten @5taate eiue fold)e 58e~Iung o~ne Q5egenleiftung beroiUigt mitb obet aI~ Q5egenleiftung ittt dne entfpted)enbe 58e~cmblung. IRe fold)en SBergiln- ftigungen, SBotred)te uub 58efreinngen, bie rttnftig ben etaat!ange~iSrlgtn, @5d)iffm nub Q5iltem eiuet britten @5taatet bemiUigt merben, foRen iJleid)" aeitig uub bebingungeIoe o~ne !(nfu~n uub o~ne @egenleiftung auf ben cmberen SBerttag"teiI au feinen ~unften uub augunften feiner @5taatknge~iSrigen, @5d)iffe uub Q5ilter au!gebe~nt merben.