Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/1060

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2650 COMMERCIAL RELATIONS-PERSIA. Diplomatic, Consular, tariff and other relations between the United States and Persia. I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurance of my highest consideration. HIS EXCELLENCY,


Acting }'lini8ter Jor Foreign ..:ljfwin, Teheran. HOFFMAN PHILIP. The American }'lini8ter (Philip) to the ]'usiall Acting J.11ini8ter Jor Foreign Affairs (Pakremn) LIWATION OF THE UNITED STATE~ OF AMERICA, TEHERAN, le 14 -, -Hai 1928. MONSIEUR LE GERANT, II me serait tres agreable de recevoir de Votre Excellence une assurance de Ia part du Gouvernement Imperial que les l\Iission- naires Americains en Perse seront autorises a remplir comme par Ie passe leurs reuvres de binnfaisance et d'instruction. Je sai~,is cette occasion pour W:lIS renouveler, :Monsieur Ie Gcrtlnt, les assurances de ma haute consideration. HOFFMAN PHILIP. SON EXCELLENCE, ~hRZA FAT'HOLLAH KHAN PAKREVAN, Girard dll, }.Iini.<dfre de8 Ltffaire8 P,'franglre8, Teheran. [Translation] LEGATION OF THE eNITED STA'rES O()F A:\IERICA, TEHERAX, J.fay 11" 1928. MR. ACTING :MINISTER, Treatment of Ameri· I Id bIdt reI' f 11 YEll can mis.,[on,\ries. WOU every gao ec ye ro 1 ollr XC(' ency fill nssurance on the part of the Imperial Government that American l\lissionaries in Persia will be authorized, fiS in the past, to carryon their charitable and educational work. I take this occasion to renew to yon, Mr. Acting ::\linister, tho assurances of my high consideration. HIS EXCELLENCY,


Acting M1:nister oj Forei:;n Affairs, Teheran. lIOFFMAX PHILIP. The Pers'ian Acting Minister Jor Fore'ign Affairs (Pakrerall) to the American Minister (Phifip) TEHEHAN, ie 14 jUai 19..28. MONSIEUR LE MINISTRE, En reponse a votre demande relative aux Missionnaires Ameri- cains, j'ai l'honneur de vous informer qu'ils seront nutorises de remplil' leurs reuvres de bienfaisance et d'instruction a condition