Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/1059

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COMlIERCIAL RELATIONS-PERSIA. In resped to the regime applicable to the commerce of the United States of America, in the matter of import and export and other duties and charges relating t.o commerce, as well as to transit, ware- housing, and the facilities accorded to commercial travelers' samples, and as to facilities, tariffs, and quantities in connection with the licensing and prohibition of imports and exports, Persia shall accord to the United States, its territories, and PQssessiQns, .on c .ondition of complete reciprQcity, a treatment nQt less favQrable than that accorded t.o the commerce of any .other foreign country. It is understoQd that other or higher duties shall not be applied t.o the importati.on into .or the sale in Persia .of any articles, produced or manufactured in the United States, its territ.ories and possessions, than th.ose which W.ould be payable on like articles pr.oduced .or manufactured by any other foreign country. Similarly and on c.onditi.on of c.omplete recipr.ocity, n.o other or higher duties shall be imposed in Persia on the eXP.ortati.on of any articles to the United States, its territ.ories or P.ossessi.ons, than th.ose which WQuld be payable on the exportation .of like articles to any . other forei~n c.ountry. On c.ondition .of c.omplete recipr.ocity, any I.owering of duties of any kind that may be ~granted by Persia in fav.or of the products of any other c.ountry shall be immediately applicable, with.out request and without c.ompensation, to the commerce of the United States, its territ.ories and possessions, with Persia. I t is understo.od that these pr.ovisions d.o not refer t.o the :pr.ohibi- ti.ons and restrictions auth.orized by the laws and regulati.ons In f.orce in Persia f.or pr.otecti.on .of the food supply, sanitary administrati.on in regard t.o human, animal, or vegetable life, the interests of public safety and fiscal interests. The stipulatiQns of the present n.ote shall g.o into effect to-day and they shall remain respectIvely in force until the entry into effect .of the c.orresponding treaty and conventi.ons referred t.o in the first para- graph .of this n.ote or until the expirati.on .of a peri.od of thirty days the nQtice which may be ~ven t.o the G.overnment .of the United States by my Government of Its intention t.o tenninate them, but in case my G.overnment should be prevented from fulfilling its engage- ments by the effect .of a legislatIve measure, these stipulations shall lapse. I W.ould be glad t.o have confirmation of .our understanding .on these P.oints. Please accept, ~1r. Minister, the assurance .of my high c.onsidera- tion. HIS EXCELLE::-ICY ~IR. HOFFMAN PHILIP Jl'ini8ter oj the United States oj America at Teheran F. PAKREVAN The American Jfir/isier (Philip) to the Pets'ian Acting 1\11'n18ter jor Foreign Affairs (Pa/aeran) EXCELLENCY: LEGATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, TEHERAN, PERSIA , 1\lay 14, 1928. 2649 I have the hQ~or t.o inf.orm y.oU, in the nlime .of my Government, ~t:l~/,~ml'llthYllDited that I have receIved and taken n.ote .of the c.ontents .of y.our nQte of " to-day's date setting fQrth pr.ovisi.onal stipulations in regard to