Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/1055

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COMMERCIAL RELATIONS-PERSIA. from which it follows that the treatment extended to the products of Persia should not be less favorable than that granted to a third country. In respect to the regime to be applied to the Commerce of Persia in the matter of import, export, and other duties and charges affecting commerce as well as in respect to transit warehousing and the facili- ties accorded commercial travelers' samples; and also as regards commodities, tariffs find quantities in connection with the licensing or prohibitions of imports and exports, the United States shall accord to Persia, on a basis of complete reciprocity, a treatment not less advantageous than that accorded to the commerce of any other country. It is understood that no higher or other duties shall be imposed on the importation into or disposition in the United States, its terri- tories or possessions, of any article, the product or manufacture of Persia, than are or shall be payable on like articles, the product or manufacture of any foreign country; similarly, and on a basis of com- plete reciprocity, no higher or other duties shall be imposed in the United States, its territories or possessions, on the exportation of any articles to Persia than are payable on the exportation of like articles to any forei~n country. On a baSIS of 'complete reciprocity, any lowering of duty of any kind that may be accorded by the United States in favor of the mer- chandise of any other country will become immediately applicable without request and without compensation to the commerce of Persia 'with the United States, its territories and possessions. Providing that this understandin~ does not relate to: 1) The treatment which the emted States accords or mav here- after accord to the commerce of Cuba, or any of the territories or possessions of the enited States, or the Panama Canal Zone, or to the treatment which is or may hereafter be accorded to the commerce of the United States with any of its territories or possessions, or to the commerce of its territories or possessions with one another; 2) Prohibitions or restrictions authorized by the laws and regu- lations in force in the enited States, its territories or possessions, aiming at the protection of the food supply, sanitary administration in regard to human, animal or vegetablr life, and the enforcement of police and revenue laws. , The present stipulations shall become operative on the day of signature, and shall remain respectively in effect until the entry in force of the Treaty and Conventions referred to in the first paragraph of this note, or until thirty days after notice of their termination shall have been given by the Government of the United States to the Imperial Government of Persia, but should the Government of the United States be prevented by future action of its legislature from carrying out the terms of these stipulations the obligations thereof shall thereupon lapse. I shall be glad to have your confirmation of the understanding thus reached. I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest consideration. HIS EXCELLENCY, ~hRZA F AT'HOLLAH KHAN PAKREVAN, Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs, Teheran. HOFFMAN PHILIP. 2645