Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/1054

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2644 COMMERCIAL RELATIOXS-PERSIA. May 14,1~.:__ Provisional agreement between the United Stales oj America. and Persia respeeting commercial, etc., relatiuu8. Effected by exchange oj notes, signed Alay 14, 1928. ~ American Minister (Philip) to the Persian Acting Afinister jor Foreign Affairs (Pakremn) LEGATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF A~IERICA, TEHERAX, PERSIA, Ala?} 14, 1928. EXCELLENCY: Commercial, et~., I have the honor to inform you that my Government, animated agreement with Persia. b h' d" .bl h .. Y t e smcere eSITe to termmate as soon as POSSI e t e negotiatIOns now in progress with the Imperial Government of Persia in regard to the conclusion of a Treaty of Friendship, as well as Establishment, Consular, Commercial and Tariff Conventions between the United States of America and Persia, has instructed me to communicate to the Imperial Government of Persia in its name the following pro- visional stipulations: 1) After May 10, 1928, the diplomatic representation of Persia in the United States, its territories and possessions, shall enjoy, on a basis of complete reciprocity, the privileges and immunities derived from generally recognized international law. The Consular representatives of Persia, duly provided with exequa- tur, will be permitted to reside in the United States, its territories and possessions, in the districts where they have been forme!'lv admitted. . They shall, on a basis of complete reciprocity, enjoy the honornry privileges and personal immunities in regard to jurisdiction and fiscal matters secured to them by generally recognized international law. 2) After May 10, 1928, Persian nationals in the rnited States, its territories and possessjons, shan, on a basis of complete reciprocity, be received and treated in accordance with the requirements mid practices of generally recognized international law. In respect to their persons and possessions, rights antI interests, they shall enjoy the fullest protection of the laws and authorities of the Country, and they shall not be treated, in regard to the above mentioned subjects, in a manner less favorable than the nationals of any other foreign country. In general, they shall enjoy in every respect the same treatment as the nationals of the Country, without, ho\vever, being entitled to the treatment reserved alone to nationals to the exclusion of all forpigners. Matters of personal status and family law will be dealt with in separate notes to be concluded and exchunged at the eurliest possible date. 3) After May 10, 1928, and as long as the present ~tipulfltions remain in force, and on a basis of complete reciprocity, the Cnited States will accord to merchandise produeed or manufactured in Persia upon entry into the United States, its territories and posses- sions, the benefits of the tariff uccorded to the most fnvor<>d nation;