Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/786

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2394 CLAIMS CONVENTION-MEXICO. SEPTEMBER 2, 1929. Plenipotentiaries. dent of the United Mexican States are desirous that the time thus fixed for the duration of the said Commission should be fur- ther extended, and to this end have named as their respective plenipotentiaries, that is to say: The President of the United States of America, Herschel V. Johnson, Charg~ d'Affaires ad in- terim of the United States of America in l\fexico; and The President of the United Mexican States, Senor Genaro Estrada, Under Secretary of State in charge of Foreign Affairs; Who, after having communi- cated to each other their respec- tive full powers found in good and due fonn, have agreed upon the following Articles: ARTICLE I. Time further ex- The High Contracting Parties unded for considera- hh ton C)f claims. agree t at t e term assigned by Vol. 43, p. 1730 . Article VI of the convention of Vol. 45, p. 2453 . September 8, 1923, as extended by Article I of the convention con- cluded between the two Govern- ments on August 16, 1927, for the hearing, examination and decision of claims for loss or damage accruing prior to Sep- tember 8, 1923, shall be and the same hereby is further extended for a time no.t exceeding two years from August 30, 1929, the day when, pursuant to the rrovisions of the said Article I 0 the con- vention concluded between the two Governments on August 16, 1927, the functions o.f the said Co.mmission wo.uld terminate in respect of such claims; and that during such extended term the Commission shall also be bound to hear, examine and decide all claims fo.r or damage accruing between September 8, 1923, and August 30, 1927, inclusive, and filed with the Commission no.t later than August 30,1927. Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicano.s, deseando. que se pro. - rro.gue nuevamente el plazo. as1 fijado. para la duraci6n de dicha Comisi6n, han nombrado a sus Plenipo.tenciarios respectivos: EI Presidente de los Estado.s Unidos ue No.rte America al Seiior Herschel V. Jo.hnso.n, Charg~ d'Affaires ad-interim de lo.s Es- tado.s Unidos de No.rte America en MexicOi Y EI Presidente de los Estado.s Unidos Mexicano.s al Senor Ge- naro. Estrada, Sub-secretario de Relacio.nes Exteriores, Encar- gado el Despacho; Quienes, despues de haberse comunicado mutuamente sus Plenos Po.deres respectivo.s, ha- llfmdo.lo.s en buena y debida fo.rma, han co.nvenido en los siguientes Articulos; ARTICULO I. Las Altas Partes Contratantes convienen en que el plazo desig- nado por el Articulo VI de la convenci6n del 8 de septiembre de 1923, segUn qued6 extendido por el Articulo I de la convenci6n co.nclufda entre los do.s Go.biemo.s el 16 de agosto de 1927, para la audiencia, examen y decisi6n de reclamaciones po.r perdida. 0 . daiios acaecidos antes del 8 de septiem- bre de 1923, se pro.rrogue, y por la presente nuevamente se pro.IToga, durante un plazo que no exceda de do.s ano .s, contados desde el 30 de agosto de ]929, dfa en que, segUn las dispo.siciones de dicho. Articulo. I de la co.nven('i6n co.ncluida entre los do.B Gobiernos el16 de ago.sto de 1927, tennina- nan las funcio.nes de tal Comisi6n, por 10. que toca a. esas reclama. - cio.nes; y que durante el tennino de ests. pr6rroga, la Co.misi6n continuara obligada. a oir, exami- nar y decidir cualesquiera recla- macio.nes po.l' perdida 0. dano.s acaecido.s entre el 8 de septiembre de1923yel30deagostode 1927,inclusive, siempre que hayan sido. presentadas a la Co.misi6n en fecha no posterior al 30 de agosto de 1927.