Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/785

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CLAIMS CONVENTION-MEXICO. SEPTEMBER 2, 1929. Oonvention between the United States and Mexico further extending duration of the General Claims Oommission prwided10r in the Conven- tion of September 8,1923. Signed at Mexico City, September 2,1929; ratified by the Presi.dent, September 25, 1929, in pursuance of Senate resolution of }.1ay 25, 1929; ratified by Mexico, October 4, 1929; ratifications exchanged at Mexico City, October 10, 1929; proclaimed, October 16, 1929. By THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION 2393 Septeml:er 2. 1929. PM, p. 239ft.. WHEREAS a Convention between the United States of America Claims convention dhU·'~M' S fh d' hd . f h With Mexico, extend- an t e rute<1 eXlcan tates urt er exten mg t e uratIon 0 t e Ing term ot the Com- C.. . d hC . I ded b mission. omIDlsslOn constItute pursuant to t e onventlOn conc u e- Preamble. tween the two Governments on September 8, 1923, for the settlement and amicable adjustment of certain claims therein defined, was con- cluded and signed by their plenipotentiaries in the city of Mexico on the seeond day of Septemher, onc3 thousand nine hundred and twenty- nine, the original of which Convention being in the English and Spbnish languages is word for word as follows: WHEREAS a convention was signed on September 8, 1923, be- tween the United States of America and the United Mexican States for the settlement and amicable adjustment of certain claims therein defined; and WHEREAS under Article VI of said Convention the Commis- sion constituted pursuant thereto is bound to hear, e:xamine and de- cide within three years from the date of its first meeting all the claims filed with it, except as pro- vided in Article VII; and WHEREAS by a convention concluded between the two Gov- ernments on August 16, 1927, the time for hearing, examining and deciding the said claims was ex- tended for a period of two years; and WHEREAS it now appears that the said Coremission can not hear, examme and decide such claims within the time limit thus fixed; The President of the United States of America and the Presi- CONSIDERANDO qUI) el 8 de septiembre de 1923 se firm6 una convenci6n entre los Estados Uni- dos de Norte America y los Estados Unidos Mexicanos para el arreglo y ajuste amistoso de las reclamaciones que en ella sa defi- nen; y CONSIDERANDO que segUn el Artbulo VI de dicha convenci6n la Comisi6n que segUn aquella se constituy6 esta obligada a oir, exa- minar y decidir dentro de los tres atlos despues de la fecha de su primera Junta todas las reclama- ciones presentadas ante ella, ex- cepto 10 que previ~ne el Articulo VII;y CONSIDERANDO que el dia 16 de agosto de 1927 sa conoluy6 una conver.ci6n entre ambos Gobi- emos extendiendo por un perlodo de dos atlos el plazo para oir, examinar y decidir diohas recla- maciones; y CONSIDERANDO que ahora resulta que dioha Comisi6n no puede oir, exaIninar y decidir tales reclamaciones dentro de ese plazo; El Presidente de los Estados Unidos de Norte America y el Vol 43, p. 1730. Vol. 43, p. 1734. Vol. 43, p. 1m. Vol .5, p. 2f53. Contracting Power&.