Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/665

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. SESS. II. CHs.453-457. 1929. southwest quarter of the northeast quarter, the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter and the lots 2 and 3, section 3, township 1 south, range 20 east of Willamette meridian, in the State of Oregon. Approved, March I, 1929. OHAP. 454. - An Ac\ For the relief of Leonidas L. Cochran. 2341 March I, 1929. [H. R . 15661.] [Private, No. «2.) Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United State8 of America in Congre8s assembled That the Sec- Leonidas L. Cochran. '. Land patent to, retary of the Interior be, and is hereby, authorized and directed to amended. amend the final certificate issued to Leonidas L. Cochran on October 8, 1~28, pursuant to the Act of Congress approved April 5, 1928 ect. nte , p.1 .1 ., amend'- (Private, Numbered 57, Seventieth Congress), so as to describe lot 17 of section 10, township 4 south of range 15 west of the Talla- hassee meridian, Florida, in lieu of lots 9 and 13 of section 11, and said township, and to issue a patent thereunder: Provided, That said ra~~;'t. Cochran, within six months after the approval hereof, pay at the rate of $1.25 per acre for the difference between the area now described in the final certificate and the area of said lot 17. Approved, March 1, 1929. March I, 1929. OHAP. 455. - An Act For the relief of Edwin I. Chatcuff. [~. R. 13721.) [Private, No. 443.) Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the h United State8 of America in Congres8 assembled, That the Secre- ~~:~n Ir~:~CU~. tary of the Navy is hereby authorized and directed to correct the rooted. naval service record of Edwin I. Chatcufi', storekeeper, first class, . United States Navy, so as to restore to him the rating of store- keeper, first class, from July 15, 1926, to February 21, 1928, with the pay of that rating during this period and so as to have such period of time computed as time served in the Navy in an active.-duty status. Approved, March 1, 1929. March I, 19'8. OHAP. 456. - An Act For the relief of Alonzo Durward Allen. [pIH . : . k27D~·~) rlva , o. . Be it enacted by the Senate Ulnd House of Representative8 of the AJow;o Durward United States of America in Congress assemlJled, That the Director A~n. t d' bTl; of the United States Veterans' Bureau is authorized and directed of, o'ir:li~tme~, TarmstroBot (talk) to determine, in accordance with the provisions of. the. ~orld War tov~."':t'~~;· Vol. Veterans' Act, 1924, as amended, the degree of disabIlIty, if any, 44, p . 7~. of Alonzo Durward Allen due to the aggravation of an attack of typhoid fever on or immediately after September 18, 1917, resulting from reporting at Memphis, Tennessee, for enrollment on said date, c t't d h· t' h . ompensa Ion or, lIS an to pay 1m compensa Ion at t e same ra ,In e same manner, contracted in line ot and subject to the same conditions and limitations as if such duty. disability were the result of such aggravation in the line of duty in the military service of the United St~tes during t~ World War. Approved, March 1, 1929. OHAP. 467.- An Act For the relief of David A. Wright. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre8entative8 of the United State8 of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated the sum of $13,187.50 to David A. Wright, of Chicago, Illinois, fo~ March I, 1929. [H. R. 12638.J [Private, No. «5.] David A. Wright. Reimbursement to.