Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/664

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2340 SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. SESS. II . CRS. 412,451-453. 1929. March I, 1929. Department of Agriculture for transcript of testimony in docket numbered 269, Secretary of Agriculture against George A. Hormel and Company and Rath Packing Company. Approved, February 28, 1929. IH. R .5952.) CHAP. 451. - An Act For the relief of Robert Michael White. [Private, No. 439.] Robert Michael Be it enacted by the Senate and HOWle of Representatives of the WRhite. t f United States 01 America in Oongress assembled, That the Secretary econveyance 0, 0 fthT b dh.hb h'dddi d certain ">I:d donated 0 e reasury e, an eIS erey,autorlze an recte to by. reconvey to Robert Michael White by the usual quitclaim deed the title to that certain tract of land which he donated to the United States as a boarding station for the United States customs service, Description. situate, lying, and being in the parish of Plaquemines, State of Louisiana, on the right bank of the Mississippi River, about ninety miles below the city of New Orleans, in township 21 south, range 31 east, measuring one thousand feet front on the said Mi~ssippi River, by one thousand feet in depth and front on Wilders Bayou, and one thousand feet in depth on the opposite side line and the like width in the rear, the title to which was conveyed to the United States of America by the said Robert Michael White by deed executed on the 20th day of April, 1883. Approved, March 1, 1929. March I, 1929. LH. R . 15727.) CHAP. 452. - An Act To relinquish all right, title, and interest of the United [Private, No. 440.) States in certain lands in the State of Washington. George F. McAula¥. Be it enacted by the Sena;te and House 01 Representative8 of the Certain londsulltll. United States of America Vn Orm.nre88 assembled, That the Secretary Washington q _ 'VI? claimed to. of the Interior is authorized and directed to convey by quit-claim deed to George F. McAulay, his heirs and assigns, all right, title, and interest of the United States in lot 2, section 17, township 12 north, range 19 east, Willamette meridian, acqllired by virtue of a Vol.40 ,p.588. deed executed by VIOletta Stone and W. D . Stone on January 25, Subject to waiver for 1917, and recorded on March 26, 1917, in book of deeds numbered damages, etc. 166, at page 636, records of Yakima County, Washington. The deed herein provided for shall not be executed by the Secretary of the Interior until he shall have been furnished with a general release signed, sealed, and acknowledged by the said George F. McAulay, that in consideration of the execution of the deed he shall make no claim against the United States for damages to such land heretofore or hereafter caused by the constl'uction and operation of the diversion dam across the Yakima River, known as the Wapato Dam. March I, 1929. IH. R . 15700.) [Private, No. 441.] Approved, Ma.rch 1, 1929. CHAP. 45S.-Au Act For the relief of the heirs of William W. Head, deceased. William W. Head. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Land patent to heirs United States of America in Oongres8 assembled, That the Secre- of. tary of the Interior is authorized and directed to permit the heirs of Prool.o. Relinquishment of present holding. William W. Head, deceased, as transferees of Henry" W. Grable, within six months from the approval of this Act, to select one hun- dred and sixty acres of ~mrveyed, nonmineral, unreserved public land of the United States aud l'eceive a patent tberefor: Pr01Jided, That the said heirs of William W. Head, their heirs or assigns, shall file a relinquishment of all their right, title, or interest in and to the