Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1761

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INDEX. 3415 Spartanburg, S. C ., Fap. apPI"?priation for public building______ 1044 deficle~cy approprIation for public build- lDg at_______________________ 924 Spauldfng,.Alice M. (widow), pensIOn lDcreased_ __________________ 2106 Spaulding, Freddie A. (son), pension____________________________ 1796 Speaker of the House oj Repr68entatives, appropriation for secretary to _____ 520,1390 for parliamentarian ____________ 520,1390 for preparing Digest of the Rules_ 520 1390 for assistant parliamentarian____ 520; 1390 for clerks and messengers ________ 520, 1390 for maintenance, etc. , of automobile for _______________________ 52~ 1394 deficiency appropriation for additional clerk_ _ ___ __ _____ ___ ___ ___ __ _ 884 for automobile for_________________ 885 to serve on Commission for Enlarging Capital Grounds___ ___________ 420 Spear, !Sli~abeth (widow), pensIOn lncreased_ __ __ ____ ___ _____ __ 2135 Spear, .Eva. A. (widow), penBlon lncreased___________________ 2052 Spear, George E. (son), pension ________ . . __________________ _ 1778 Spearfish, S. Dale., appropriation for establishing fish cul- tural station, auxiliary to ____ 99,1129 Spears,. M~nt1LE. (widow), pensIOn lncreased _____________ ~ __ __ _ 2077 Special and Select Committees, Howe of Representatives, appropriation for expenses oL _ ____ 524, 1394 deficiency appropriation for expenses__ 1608 Special Delivery, Postal Service, appropriation for car fare _________ 189,1052 for fees to messengers __________ 189,1052 deficiency appropriation for fees______ 26, 50, 1620, 1650 provisions for; additional stamps re- quired_______________________ 943 denominations of stamps___________ 944 Special Taxes, Revenue Act of 1926, tax on foreign built boats repealed_____ 867 effective July 1, 1928______________ 867 license tax on narcotics mo.iified______ 867 Speck, par:ie A. (widow), pensIOn lncreased___________________ 2217 Speed, .Margaret E. (widow), pensIOn lncreased___________________ 2251 Speedy! I8~bella (widow), penslOn lncreased___________________ 2108 Spenard, Hattie (daughter), . - pension _______________ ~----------- 1969 Spence, Alice (widow), . .- pension increased___________________ 2173 Spence, Mrs. Letitia, claim of, for fire damages to property, to be adjusted, etc____________ 2260 Spencer, E!izabeth J. (widow), pension lDcreased ___________________ 2067 Spencer, Ida M. (daughter), pension____________________________ 2125 Spencer, I4a V. (widow), pensIOn lDcreased___________________ 2084 Spencer, ~argaret L. (widow), pensIOn lDcreased ___________________ 2072 Spencer, Minerva J. (widow), pension increased___________________ 1814 Sperry, Lucy M. (widow), pension increased _____________________ 1819 54835°--29----111 Sperry, Rhoda E. (widow), Pap. pension increased .. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 2227 Sperry, Lieutenant Colone.' William J., duplicate Congressional Medal of Honor issued to_____________________ 1722 SperBtad, Englehard, homestead entry of, validated________ 1851 Spicer,. Cu~t T., penSlOn lDcreased___________________ 1995 Spiegel Grove State Park, Fremont, Ohio, iron gates between grounds of White House, D. C ., and State etc.: Department Building, presenteCl to, for memorial gateways______ 422 Spiker, Marshall R., pension.___________________________ 2312 Spi!ker, M!'TY E. (widow), penslOn lDcreased___________________ 1972 Spiller, C. C., payment of findings Court of Claims to estate oL____________________ 2370 Spiller, Major E. B., Army, credit allowed in accounts oL________ 2261 Spires,.Re~ecca M. (widow), penSlOn lncreased___________________ 2226 Splawn, Cornelia (widow), person increased____________________ 2095 SpojJorJ, Mary P. (widow), pension____________________________ 1752 Spokane Agency, Wash., appropriation for support, etc., of Indians at ________________ 223,1584 Spokane, Indian Hospital, Wash., appropriation for maintenance, etc. , of_ 221 Spokane Ir.dians, Wash., appropriation for fulfilling treaty with__ 222, 1583 Bpokane, Wa3:I., Spokuman-Review, appropriation for advertising author- ized_________________________ 2333 Spokely, Andrew 0., payment to_ _______________________ 1734 Spond,.Ma.ry A. ( -Didow), penmon lDcreased__________________ 2275 Sponge Fisheries, appropriation for protecting, etc ___ 100,1130 Sponsler, Maggie (widow), pension increased_ _ _________________ 2145 Spooner, EUa M. (widow), pension____________________________ 1791 Spot8ylvania County Battle FWldtJ Memo- rial, Military Park, Va., appropriation for continuing establish- ment oL_____________________ 1376 Spotted Fever, Rocky Mountain, appropriation for prevention of epi- demic ____________________ 174,1040 Spotts, .Anna M. E . (UJidow), penslon____________________________ 1895 Spragu.e, E.liza A. (widow), pensIOn lDcreased ___________________ 2113 Spragu.e, lIfelissa J. (widow), penslOn lllcreased___________________ 2196 Sprague, Richard L. deficiency appropriation for reimburse- ment________________________ 914 reimbursement of, Foreign Service offi- cer, for loss of Government funds________________________ 1854 SpragU.6, lfashington, P. (son), pensIOn Increased___________________ 1792 Spraker, Martha (widow), pension increased___________________ 2114