Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1760

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3414 INDEX. South Carolina Eastern and Western Judi- Paee. cial Districts, additional judge authorized for_______ 1319 South Charleston, W. Va., appraisal and sal.e directed of pro})erty furnishin,,; electricity to Navy S ordnance ",l'l .nt aL___________ 499 outh Dakota, . - and Nebraska may bridge Missouri River, at Niobrara Nebr______ 409 constructing of designated highway by the condition for setting apart of Badlands National Monument__ 1555 lands gnmted to, for park purposes, within Custer State Park_ _ ____ 501 may acquire, after completion, bridge across Miseouri River, at Nio- bra.ra, :~ebr~ __ . ________ ______ 708 So'u!h Dakota Avenus NE ; D. C ., appropriation for pavin~, etc., Rhode Island A,'enue to 'I 'wentieth Street; from gasoiine tax fund__ 1271 vee authorized of deRignated Govern- ment land for widening________ 1341 South Dakota Judicial Dislrict, Ilddit.ional judge authorized for_______ 1317 vacency occurring in office of existing Judget not to be filled__________ 1317 South, !IliZf1betfl (widow), penBlon increased_ __________________ 1869 South Fork of Cumberland Riv6f', bridge authorized across. at Burnside, S~uth AlcTarmstroBot (talk)-Ok~.:---------------- 612 terms of court at____________________ 1518 South Park Commission61's, Chicago, Ill., may bridge Michigan Canal in Chicago_ 1079 South Saint Paul, Minn., approp~ation for public bu.;l ling; cost lncreased____________________ 1044 deficiency appropriation for public building at___________________ 924 Southard, Irving R., pension____________________________ 2313 Southbridge, Mass., deficiency appropriation for public Southma bC~~n\>~:.~; -(iu-CatHa-TiCks: Southern). 33 Southern Field Crops, deficiency appropriation for investi- gating insects affecting _______ _ 12 Southern Great Plains Area, appropriation for horticultural experi- mer.t, etc., work at Woodward, Okla________________________ 1201 Sov/,iern, Henrietta E. (widow), pension increased_ __________________ 2269 Southern Na.vajo Indian Ger.eral H03pital, Aru., appropriation for support, etc., oL____ 1581 Southern Pacific Railroad Company, granted right of way, for railroad pur- poses, across Benicia Arsenal Military Reservation, Calif_____ 1139 Southern Pacific Railway Company, deficiency appropriation for relocating railroad, by Coolidge Dam Con- struction across Gila. River, Ariz_ Soul,hern Railway, D. C ., 18 appropriation for purchase of square 256, offices oL ______________ _ 182 Southern Relief Society, D. C ., appropriation for air to Confederate veterans, etc ______________ 676,1293 Southern States, Pa,ae. appropriation for survey of salt marsh areas in, to control breed\ng of mosquitoes____ __ ____________ _ 175 for cooperative exp ~riments, etc. in livestock production etc., in_ 567, 1218 Southern Shipyard Corporation, claim of, for material and labor, referred to Court of Claims____________ 2028 Southe:-n Ute Agency, C%., appropriation for support, etc., of Indi- ans at _______________ 222,1571,1573 Southern Ute Indian Reservation, Colo" appropriation for irrigation project on_ 210, 1572 Southern Ute Indians, Colo., appropriation for purchase of sheep for; from tnbal funds_____________ 209 for payment to, from tribal funds of Confederated Bands of Utes_ 224,1586 from accrued interest_________ 224,1586 Sovey, Omer D. (son), pension____________________________ 2275 Sowards, Zippora B. (widow), pension increased___________________ 1925 Sowders, Adaline (widow), pension increased___________________ 1816 Spade, .LoU.i8e, (widow), penslOn mcreased___________________ 2085 Spad6f'! Al~issa L. (widow), peDSlonlncreased ___________________ 2060 Spain, appropriation for ambassador to ____ 85,1096 Spain, George L. (Bon), pen&on____________________________ 1974 Spain, Alatilda (widow), pension____________________________ 2253 Spain, War with, deficiency approprie.tion for pay, etc., of the Army ______________ 42,44,49, 1619, 1672, 1674 SpainhfJwm:, Caroline B. (widow), penslOn mcreased___________________ 1865 Spanish Campaign Medal, gratuitous lBBue of, to persons entitled_ 500 Spanish Land GrantB, N. Alex., exchanges authorized of lands in, for additions to specified national forests_______________________ 431 Spanish WaT S6f'Vice Medal, gratuitous issue of, to persons entitled_ 500 Spani8h War Veterans, extended leave authorized in executive departments, etc., to attend annual convention in Habana Cuba________________________ 433 annual leave provisions not modified but accumulation pennitted_ ___ 434 Spann, Alary E. (widow), pension____________________________ 1739 Spare, Amy E. (widow), pension____________________________ 1807 Spof'ks! A,!na (widow), penslon mcreased___________________ 1899 Sparks, Julia L. (widow), pension increased_ __________________ 1923 Sparks, Alary C. (widow), pension increased_ __________________ 2101 Sparks, Aloud E. (widow), pension ____________________ .. ___ _ ___ 1806 Sparks, Nancy (daughter), pension____________________________ 1766 SpaTT0"!l, J.e8sie (daughter), penslOn lncreased_ __________________ 1821