Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1265

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1927. or by a person, partnership, corpor!l.tion, or association in a foreign country; and (4) any other advantages or disadvantages in com- petition; Where!l.s under and by virtue of said section of said act, the United States Tariff Commission has made an investigation to assist the President in ascertaining the differences in costs of production of and of all other facts and conditions enumerated in said section with 2931 respect to the article provided for in paragraph 27 of Title I of said Vol. 42 , p . 861. tariff act of 1922 by name and in the clause for all distillates of coal tar, blast-furnace tar, oil-gas tar, and water-gas tar, which on being subjected to distillation yield in the portion distilling below one hundred and ninety degrees centigrade a quantity of tar acids equal to or more than 5 per centum of the original distillate, namely, phenol, being wholly or in part the growth or product of the United States, and of and with respect to a like or similar article wholly or in part the growth or product of competing foreign countries; 'Whereas in the course of said in\testigation a hearing was held, of which reasonable public notice was given and at which parties in- terested were given reasonable opportunity to he present, to produce evidence, and to be heard; Whereas the President upon said investigation of said differences in costs of production of such phenol wholly or in part the growth or product of the United States ard of the like or similar article wholly or in part the growth or product of competing foreign countries, has thereby found- That the principal competing country is Great Britain; That the duties fixed in said title and act do not equalize the differ- ences in costs of production in the United States and in said principal competing co untry, namely, Great Britain; That the differences in costs of production in the United States and the principal competing country are less than the amount of the present duties at the rates of 40 per centum ad valorem based upon the American selling price (as defined in subdivision (f) of section 402, Vol. 42 , p. 950. Title IV of said act), of any similar competitive article manufactured or produced in the United States, and 7 cents per pound, decreased by the maxinlUm decrease authorized in section 315 of said act. N thf ICI·C "dP'dtfthU'tdStt 1)ecreasing 1uly on ow, ere ore, , avm OOilge, reSlen0 enle a es d'>"i;uutcd tar distil- of America, do hereby determine and proclaim that the rates of duty laLes. shown by said differences in costs of production of phenol provided for in paragraph 27 of Title I of said act by name and in the clause for all distillates of coal tar, blast-furnace tar, oil-gas tar, and water-gas tar, which on being subjected to distillation yield in the portion dis- tilling below one hundred and ninety degrees centigrade a quantity of tar acids equal to or more than 5 per centum of the original distillate, in the United States and in the principal competing country necessary to equalize such differences (within the limit of total decrease pro- vided for in said act) are the rates of 20 per centum ad valorem based Rate. upon the American selling price (as defined in subdivision (f) of sec- Vol. 42 , p . 950. tion 402, Title IV of said act), of any similar competitive article manu- factured or produced in the United States, and 3Y2 cents per pound. In witness whereof, I have hereunto oet my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington this 31st day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven, [SEAL] and of the Independence of the United States of America the on.3 hundred and fifty-second. CALVIN COOLIDGE By the President.: FRANK B KELLOGG Secretary oj Stai6. 54835°-29-PT 2 -80