Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1264

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2930 PROCLAMATIONS 1927. advancement in our physical well-being. We have increased our desire for the things that minister to the mind and to the soul. We have raised the mental and moral standards of life. We have had the blessings of peace and of honorable and friendly relations with our sister nations throughout the world. Disasters visiting certain of our States have touched the heart of it sympathetic nation, which has responded generously out of its abundance. In continuing to remember those in affliction we should rejoice in our ability to give them relief. Now that these twelve months are dravTing to a close, it is fitting that, as a nation, and as individuals, in accordancfl with time-honored and sacred m:stom, we should consider the manifold blessings granted to us. While in gratitude we rejoice, we should humbly pray that we may be worthy of a continuation of Divine favor. Thurs(!ay, Novem· ,uh f ICI'Cl'd P'd fhU.dSt d ber 24,11127, designated I¥ ereore, , aVill 001ge, reslent°te nlte ates, 0 as Thanksgiving Day. hereby set apart and designate Thursday, the twenty-fourth day of November, next, as a day of thanksgiving and prayer, and recommend and urge that on that day our people lay aside their usual tasks, and by the family fireside and in their accustomed places of public worship give thanks to Him who hold.: us all in the hollow of His hanrl. October 31, 1927 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hl1ve hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. DONE at the City of Washington this twenty-sixth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and [SEAL] twenty-seven, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and fifty-second. By the President: FRANK B KELLOGG Secretary oj State. CALVIN COOLIDGE By THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION r~~gre~henol. Whereas in and by section 315 (a) of Title III of the act.of Congress btatutory authoriza· approved September 21, 1922, entItled "An act to provlde revenue, tIon. to regulate commerce with foreign countries, to encourage the industries of the United States, and for other purposes," it is, among other things, provided that whenever the President, upon investiga- tion of the differences in costs of production of articles wholly or in Vol.42,p.941. part the growth or product of the United States and of like or similar articles wholly or in part the growth or product of competing foreign countries, shall find it thereby shown that the duties fixed in this act do not equalize the said differences in costs of production in the United States and the principal competing country he shall, by such invest;gation, ascert.ain said differences and determine and proclaim the changes in classifications or increases or decreases in rates of duty provided in said act shown by said ascertained differences in such costs of production necessary to equalize the same; Vol. 42, p. 942 Whereas in and by section 315 (c) of said act it is further provided that in ascertaining the differences in costs of production, under the provisions of subdivisions (a) and (b) of said section, the President, in so far as he finds it practicable, shall take int.o consideration (1) the differences in conditions in production, including wages, costs of material, and other items in costs of production of such or similar articles in the United States and in competing foreign countries; (2) the differences in the wholesale selling prices of domestic and foreign articles in the principal markets of the United States; (3) a.dva.ntages granted to a foreign producer by a foreign government,