Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/418

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS. I . CHs. 247, 248 . 1928 .

367 Bismarck, Burleigh County, North Dakota, described as follows : The Description . southeast quarter of the southeast quarter, containing forty acres ; part of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter, containing twenty-three acres more or less ; and part of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter, containing thirty acres more or less, all in se ction 5, tow nship 138 north, range 80 west of the fifth principal m eridi an, c onta ining nine ty-th ree acres more or less, subj ect to survey. The purchase price shall not exceed $120 an acre and the Price limit, e tc. lands shall be warranted free of all encumbrances . SEC. 2 . There is hereby authorized to be appropriated such sums thori dP"ation an- as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act . Approved, March 26, 1928 . CHAP. 248.-An Act To establish a national military park at the battle March 26,1928.

[H. R.5500] field of Fort Donelson, Tennessee.

[Public, No . 187.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That a commission battle Fo rtD od field . is hereby created, to be composed of the following members, who Commission created . shall be appointed by the Secretary of War (1) A commissioned officer of the Corps of Engineers, United ficer~y Engineer of States Army ; (2) A veteran of the Civil War who served honorably in the ware eranates Civil military forces of the United States ; and (3) A veteran of the Civil War who served honorably in the mili- Civil War tary forces of the Confederate States of America . SEC. 2. In appointing the members of the commission created b'Y misnonficationsofcom ° section 1 of this Act the Secretary of War shall, as far as practi- cable, select persons familiar with the terrain of the battle field of Fort Donelson, Tennessee, and the historical events associated therewith . SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the commission, acting under the ton ins pe ct of co b mmi field ; direction of the Secretary of War, to inspect the battle field of Fort etc° Donelson, Tennessee, and to carefully study the available records and historical data with respect to the location and movement of all troops which engaged in the Battle of Fort Donelson, and the im- portant events connected therewith, with a view of preserving and marking such field for historical and professional military study . The commission shall submit a report of its findings and recom- Secretary of War . findings to mendations to the Secretary of War not later than December 1, 1928 . Subjects co r con - 'Such report shall describe the portion or portions of land within the siaered. area of the battle field which the commission thinks should be acquired and embraced in a national park and the price at which such land can be purchased and its reasonable market value ; the report of the commission shall also embrace a map or maps showing the lines of battle and the locations of all troops engaged in the Battle of Fort Donelson and the location of the land which it recommends be acquired for the national park ; the report of the commission shall contain recommendations for the location of historical tablets at such points on the battle field, both within and without the land to be acquired for the park 2 as they may deem fitting and necessary to clearly designate positions and movements of troops and important events connected with the Battle of Fort Donelson . Sec . 4 . The Secretary of War is authorized to assign any officials fic Ass ignment of of- of the War Department to the assistance of the commission if he deems it advisable . He is authorized to pay the reasonable expenses Expenses authorized . of the commission and their assistants incurred in the actual perform- ance of the duties herein imposed upon them .