Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/417

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS. I . CHs. 240, 245-247 . 1928 : Rights, etc ., not af- fected by change in name. March 26, 1928 . [H. R . 232.] CHAP. 245.-An Act To amend the Act of June 7, 1924, prescribing the per- [Public, No. 184 .] sons entitled to the benefits of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers and the method of their admission thereto . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Act approved June 7, 1924, is hereby amended to read as follows " The following persons shall be entitled to the benefits of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, and may be admitted thereto upon the order of a member of the Board of Man- agers, namely : Honorably discharged officers, soldiers, sailors, or marines, including women commissioned or enlisted, and Army and Navy nurses under commission, enlistment, appointment, assignment, or contract since April 21, 1898, who served in the regular, volun- teer, or other forces of the United States, or in the Organized Militia or National Guard when called into Federal service, and who are disabled by disease or wounds and who have no adequate means of support, and by reason of such disability are either temporarily or permanently incapacitated from earning a living ." Appr oved, Ma rch 26, 1 928 . Nation al Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers . Specified veterans, includ ing women, e n- titled to benefits of . Vol . 43, p. 519, amend- ed. March 26, 1928.

[S . 1478.] [Public, No . 185.] Lummi Indian Res - ervation, Wash . Appropr iation au- tho rize d for com pleti ng ro ad acr oss . Post,p. 902. Prooiso. Maintenance by State, etc . Sac. 2 . That the change in the name of the said hospital shall in no wise affect the rights of the Federal Government, or any munic- ipality, corporation, association, or person ; and all records, maps, and public documents of the United States in which said hospital is mentioned or referred to under the name of the Ancon Hospital or otherwise, shall be held to refer to the said hospital under and by the name of the Gorgas Hospital, Approved, March 24, 1928 . CHAP . 246.-An Act To authorize an appropriation for the construction of a road on the Lummi Indian Reservation, Washington . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That not to exceed the sum of $20,000 is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treas ury not otherw ise appropria ted, for the comple- tion and graveling of the road which has been partially constructed by Whatcom County across Lummi Indian Reservation, in the State of Wa shington, to be expended un der such rule s and regulat ions as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe : Provided, That the proper authorities of the State of Washington or the county of Whatcom shall agree in writing to maintain such road free of expense to the United States . Appr oved, March 26, 1 928 . March 26, 1928. [S . 2279.] CHAP. 247.-An Act Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to purchase [Public, No . 186 .1 certain lands in the city of Bismarck, Burleigh County, North Dakota, for Indian school purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives of the BismarckIndian School, N . Dak

United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary . Purchase of land for. of the Interior is hereby aut horized and di rected to pur chase for Post, p. 901.

the Bismarck (North Dakota) Indian school, from the Dakota Corporation, Bismarck, North Dakota, or its successors in interest, certain adjoining tracts of land within the limits of the city of