Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1862

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INDEX. CX! Grtmd Army. Sol(lw. and Sailor. BOtItB, p..-, GrtKi4 Britain ... • .... D.C.,: appropriation for amli. - dol' to__ .: _ 6G, 1006 appropriation fonxpenaee____ . _. _ 676, 1293 '. . for· 8Ul"Veying, ete.,boundary liD~ Gratld C'~ Bitler, . Aluka and C8IIBd&_';" __ h'~_' 70, nOI bridge authorized acrOll, at East ChI... for' marking boundaiyliDe,' United ,cago,lnd _________________ 114, 1168 . State. and Canacfa __________ 70,1101 IeCOmtruction authorized or bridge for Nlocating Caoadl8.n boundary liDe ' . '. aoroaa,at East Chicago and C-ary,undertreaty of 1925 _ _ _ _____ 70, 1101 Ind _______________________ .. _ 1475 for CanadIan Boundary Waten Com- atQt.1'1;hid____~ ________________ 1475 miuion_ ._ __ ~ __ ~ _ __ ;_:. __ ·7 2,1101,1l03 time· extended for bridging, at Bum- for . International . halibut fisheries ham Avenue, COOk County, DL 11M OOIXlJDiIJaJbn _________ .;_~,_, _ __ 75,1106 Grand C4t&"ma NtJIiOnal Park, Ariz. ' for aegreptIJig,bod1ee, etc., ID:Amer- appropriationfol'admihiatr&tion,etc_234, 1596 .. ican oemeterieain ____________ ' 355 buildings, etc., authorized________ 234 deficlenoy appropriation for Camadian '. ,~!'e~ of road within; de- .. . Boundary'Watera Commilidon__ - 28J . Bonptlon_____________________ 234 911,16151 privilegee .to liveftook grazing in ' for pecuniary clAims arbitratioD. " . ,national foMSts __ --------~--~- ~4 With,exPenatw_________ .: : . ._ , _. __ 48 for rOads, etc______________ ~______ 1601 for indemnity to, for death ofEchrin deficienoyappropriation for _____ :____ 46 Tucker, British subject________ 911 Grand Forb, N. Dak., for payment to.l.. in recOgnition of bridge autkerize<i across Red River of aervice of .r;ritiBh Vice ConBul the Norih, between East Grand William Wiseman_____ ~~______ 912 Forks, Minn.t...and____________ 113 for indellUlityto, for.death.of Re4r- Grand i'eton NatiuMl-/:,ark, Wyo., inald Ethelbert Myrie, British · estabUShmentoL~~ ___________ ,.; ___, _ _ 1314 subjeot_____________ ~l._______ 912 area included_____ · ___ .. ______________ 1314 for reimbursement 'of} ,for relief of restriction on new roads, hotela, etc_ _ 1316 American nationaJa by Reverend National. Park Service provisions F. North______ ~.::.____________ 912 extendedto_o. __ . _____________ 1316 for surveys, etc., in preparing report adjacent' ownerepermitted grazing on Rainy Lake RefenaC8______ 1651 upon lands ~---.------------_ 1316 invitation extended to Govemment of, dead and down timber__ ________ 1316 to participate in Hawaiian Sea.: . Water Power Act not applicable____ ,1316 quioentsDDfal by I118Dding & Dl&D- vaIld claims, etc'l not affected______ 1316 of-war withdelegates__________ 247 administration, elie.; appropriation of frombto take part' in latemational Yellowstone Park available_____ 1316 airy Congreas to btl held in, Grand Valley l1'rigatw,. Pr&ject, Colo., aoeepted______ .:.:..___ ___ ____ ___ 148 appropriation for maintenance, etc., payment directed to, as indemnity for of________________________ 228,1590 death of· Re«in&l4' ~helbert Grant Street NE., D. C.,· Myrie, a Britiahsubjeet_______ 483 appropriation for grading, Minnesota for death ~f Etiwin Tuobr_______ 489 . Avenue to Forty-sixth Street_ __ 655 in recognition of services of ' William Grantsburg, Wis., Wiseman for Ameriean interests bridge authorized across Saint Croix in Mexicio _____ ..:_ ___ ____ ___ ___ 489 River, near___________________ - 702 on account ae~ by Reverend F. GrOB.IlB, Nort~, tm: ~ relievinr; appropriation for testing, etc., commer- Amencana IDRuseia___________ 484 cw seeds of.~ __ ~ ____ ____ __ 550,1201 proVl8ions for Ngulating level of Lake publishin~ misbranded, etc_ ___ 550, 1201 of theWooda, to carry into effect for preventmg admission of adultsr- convention with ______ ~_______ 431 ated '1II!ieds, etc__ ___________ 550, 1201' of former oontrac&a for carrying mails · for investigating improvement of_ 552, 1202 to, repealed_ _________________ 696 (kOB.Mpper., Great Falla Brid(Js ComPG"1I, · provisions relating to bomeetead entry- may brld..p Potomac River at' Great men in deeignated counties of Fau., Va_____ ;.______________ 442 Colorado, falling to maintain time extendecl forbridgfnr; Potomac required residence owing to in- i'I_ A _, F : " ' J J ~ ~ ~ I by:,:.:::,·--M-d--.,-~------- 1552 cursion of swarms 0'-_________ 1157 \7T~ ...... " J ClUJ PUMnnu<; Gravelly Point, Va., appropriation for~~ammatioft, etc., for deficiency appropriation for investigat- widening Conduit Jl()a(!,etc., ing, etc., proposed airport at___ 1628 from the District line to_ ______ 1380 Gray Ladiu 01 'he Red CroBB, Great FalU 0/ the piItMNJe RiflM', .'\ nonsectarian chapel authorized at Army no permit to beileuedby Federal Power medical center, by funds donated Commiasion for development of by __ ~ __ _ _ __ ~________________ 156 water power in. Potomac ,River .. Graring Land8, tk., between designated points_ ~ .. _ _ 1012 appropriation for· investigating im- action of Congress required after provementofwUdpJantsand_ 551,1201 reports by- National Capital deficienoy appropriation forinwsti- Park and Plarlldn~ CommiSsion , gating-' improvement of wild and Federal Power Commission, plants and_ __________________ 12 as to utilization of area________ 1012 Graring. Lands, etc., Indian Re8ervationB, GtMt FaUB, Va appropriation for developing water I bridge auth~rized across Potomao supply ___________________ 209,1572 River, at____________________ 442