Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1861

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INDF~ Goau, " provildoni for hllJllaDe treatment, etc., ,of CBttle forezport, extended to_ 789 0Glc0Ma, /ij., ' bridp autborUed &crdaI Ohio River. at.. " 319 _time eneoded for bridsing Ohio Rinr, at_"_"'" ________________'______ 1527 fJOld Com.'" ' ap~~tion f()r.'~ of UD- ","~r!ent----~~----r,-------.,., 168,1031 .Go"pe;.B,:S~, , , ','" J: ',' 'erection or, memorlfl ~nument;' "to, authdriHii on p.u~Uo gounda In ,; Distiict of COlWribfa__________ 193 , ': si~ excludtld___ ----------------- 193 appro:yAl pI ,alte '.,nd d~gn by J~t , CoiDmUtee Qn'. J,"'eLibrary _____ 193 with ad'ricie' 'Of' Co~on of FIne Afta-.-- _____ • ______ ~ ____ -'_ - - 193 "IU~0!l of DIrt!ctlor, of Publlc . Buildinsa, etc______ ~ _ __ ~______ 193 no Gooternm.ent expense___________ 193 Gon,akI, AkZ:t. "


rna.ybrt~..wo,G!8nde, a~ Yslef;a, Tex.: 1017 co~t~MUtco required.. __ - " " ' __ - _1017 Goodi~, 'F~&;~:A ,senator, ,deft ~~o:.01:12, 25 September 2010 (UTC)~-TarmstroBot (talk)-~!.._~ 1607 Goodsell.. Blwha N., '", . ' may bridp Lake Cb7.ain, between RoWlelf Point, • Y., and AI- burgh, Vt___ ~_ .. __________ ... _ __ 1178 Gopher,., , , ' appropriation for deviaing,lnethoda for daJtroyilag-. .:;;- .. . -~~-.;;i .i-.;--- 559,1209 Gorgaa Arm" HoapiUll, PanGma CGnGl , ZoM,' ,',"" name of Ancon Hospital c~ted to___ 365 rightiJ..:etc., Dot aft'~by ehange in " D.&lIlC______-.--.---- .. -----.,.----- GorgGB Memorial LaboratM:1l.l(l . apPl'9Priation fllr &D#UAlJ:6ntributfon , - fotmalnten&nce' and operation 366 '-, d~fici:c;--.aPpi:6~rf.;tioI(~~"'o~--TarmstroBot (talk)&i 1106 coDtribqtion.______ ~__________ 912 amoUnt "',u~qrued &llP.u~ to Gorgas ,, M.c!morial Ins~~ut.ll,;' ew., for , builrn;~b:c:o~=£,1i1lt~paita: 491 , ma, or Catild:Zone ____ ~_______ 491 Latin' American' GovernmentS in- , ~"to contrlb~~.: __ ..: ____ '~ __ ' 491 Ututed Stat.:- .t6 hay""WMlreaente,tion on admmiatrati'ont)c)srd_______ 491 annual appropriations authorized for five yean, fpr, tirpiltli,li.~ion, oper- ation 01 te~l'8tY ,guartera; etc_ 491 annual report of IriiRituteto Con(P'e88,- 49~ exami~tion of books etc.,' by , ComPtroner Gene;;i. _____ .,~~_ 491 Gore, Francia, ' - deficienc;r appropriation flJr indeu;mity - +.0 Netile~dl, for personal in- ' " juries to _____ ~ _ _ _ _ _ ,----~------ 912 payment directed to Netherlands, as in<le~ty fo.r injuries to, by UtiitedJ!lw..teI,8hip-------~---~ 489 GOIJemment De7iortmenu" (B. Executive Depariments,etc.) • GOIJemment :l'mployeu, appropriation for expenses of Pension Bureau under Act retiring_ __ 226,' Il188 GotI*",_t BmpZoyM--Continued. p.... appropriation for 'Government contri- bution to 1'etirement fund___ 227, 1588 for payiilg, compensatioll for injuries_ 577J • 1230 classification of cLvilian. modi1ied_ _ _ __ 776 plana to bftprepared fCJf TOCIIotional re- habnr~tIon of diaablpd, etvil, in the Diltrict of 'COl_ilL- _ -- - - - 1260 prohibition against, aCting as attorneys before departments/Dot appli- cable to counsel 1ll naval oil Jease! cases ___ .: ___ ~__________ 1067 traveling to fore',D, countries on official bUlineu to 11IIe American ships_ 697 proof of necessity requln)d for, on fo~_lhiPl-----------,------- 697 Govem-m 1'uel 'YaNe, D. C., appropriation for purohaSe' of fuel, nuUotenance, etc_________ -_ 103,1133 GovemrrNfll Hokl, D. C., ' appropriation for operating..: .. .: __ _ _ 580,1238 Govem-m in tluJ Temtorie,s (,ee ',rem- tories). <memment .P~nling Office (~ee also Public Printing and 'Blndi!!gl, '" ' appropriation for Public Printer, Dep- uty and office personneL ___ 530,1399 for pubHo printing and binding__ S80, 1400 for printing and tiincHng for ___ ~-S30, 1400 for equiplnel1t for new additiol)to~__ 1401 for Superintendent of.Documents, &llistant, and office,persoDllei. - 531, 1401 purchases for, authorizedwithi:)ut reference to 8uilPly COmmittee_ 532, '1402 for constructing addition to _____ 182,1044 for tefmbursing, for heat, etc., to city post ofDce_ .. _____ __ ,..:. ______ 187,1396 deficiency appropriation tor Samuel RObiilsOn, WilliAm Madden, Jo- !!8ph De Fontes, and Preston . L. George------------~,..£;7 4,,886,1624 for additional cataloguer, u>ngres- lional Record; funds available__ 1624 for Mlaries, 1929, under~ ___ ~ __ __ _ ~_ 1675 office 01, acoe8sibIeto students, et6_'~ __ 531 salary of Publio Printer Bnd Deputy , Publio Printer established_____ 1006 G6tIemor1l Island, N. Y., , new construction barred on certain Grafton, fU.~ons of___ ., ____ ~~--~---:-- ' 1302 bridge authorized acrOlii Illinois River, at___________ ~ _______________' 604 Grain ond Seed lor Seeds"" , , appJ'Opriation for prev:enting admission of adulterated z etc __ ,. ______ ,550,1201 Grain lor Drought StNIUn ArlGB, Seed, appropriation' for, ooDeetfBg' loaDs to farmm of___ ~_~ ___ _ .. _:; ____ 568, 1219 GrOin Futuru Ad, ' appropriation forexpensee executing_ 666, 1217 Grain 8Iondardll Act, UmtM Blatta, ' ' , apprOpriationfore~bM!ll'enforoing- 563, 1213 Grand Arm" 01 the lUpUbIic, . appropriation for aiding, in MemOrial Day" . exercises, ,at Ariitlgton Cemetery, e,tc------------:- -'}, 494 deficiency approprlatioD for aiding, in Memorial Day eervices, at Ar- liIIgton'Cemetery, etc~l.·_ ______ 1632 loaos or gifts authoriZed to' p~t8 of, condemned or obsolete ordnance_ 773