Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/386

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TREATY—GERMANY. Aucvsr 25, 1921. 1943 ARTICLE II. Qlrtifel II. men n view to defining more an ter anim, bie aapmemnnm °"“%‘°i“ °‘ 9*** Evtmcldwly the Obligations _ of tgeutggyimbg Swap bm bntbetgcbms ‘i—'?e'§,’{y_ ‘*° v°”““°° n{.’;it“Znt‘t“‘},2§p.$° nf°?;§-2?§ $‘i§“a?fi,“§$§‘ ‘§1i‘§°?§E2t‘“ §"£ 3°§‘"° _ ng ug U ¢t= provisions in the ’1‘reaty of Ver- failleé naber gu beftimmen, beftebt sailles it is umderstood and Giinaerftiinbnie unb Qiuiguug gtaifdpen zrgrmegd bletgteien the High Con- gen Qaben 2§ertragfd;Iief;eubea ieilen es: ariibee; (1)m'ihalt;1thtg gightstgnzl ggrvnp- i 1. ana bie matte ant asnpeue, ga “°°*‘°"°"’°°*°°"· tagessi a in a eay n ienem éllertcageguunten et ger the iipnlpfit of the dU(pitt§d ©tauteu fggegtlst fiigtb unb tates w 'c it is inten e e ie bie Qieteinigtea taaten fiten United States shall have and en- unb geniefyen fallen, bieienigen finb, i°"i“i»°n$‘°1%° ‘*°“.i‘i$*.n‘if$°°i?? %§°£‘ ’%'fi’§f“v11‘H° %i‘ii° iii ‘§° 0 , an n e , , Q, 1X, X, XI, XII, XIV; and Xg, X11, XIV! unb XV Imrgewnzi . _ f' . 0 G I In _ts6Tll;efItl]1;1;3teglhS)§ate;si 115 availing gneimqibpe Sliereinigteiigngtasgten bie nn¤Ii.¤eigfvt$]a.‘ Y 1 o ng an a vantages in etimmungen erttaga stipulated in the provisions of feftgefebten unb in bieiem iiaragrapbeu that Treaty mentioned in this ettalilyntm §Red;te mib Qiarteile fil: paragraph will do so in a manner iid; in Stnfprucb uebmea, xaeeben fie consistent with the rights ac- biea in einer: 2'Beiie tun, bie mit ben corded to Germany un er such Sbeatfcblaabgpézg bieien provisions. guftebenben ten im Einflang t· (2) That the United States 2. bafsbie Qiercinigten Gtaatmnicbi shall not; llge bopnd liy th`; pro- an bie lieftimmnnigngen bes glbeileami }g§,°g’g,§gf¤·· visions o art 0 t at aty, iencé ge an irq we nor by any provisions of that Qieftimmimgen ienea éliertrage, mit Treaty including those mentioned Gihnfcbluf; ber in ER:. 1 biefet Qlrtifela m I’aragraph (1) of this Article, enaiibnten, gebunben {ein {allen, bie which relate to the Covenant of jid; auf ble iliblferbunbsiaigmig bethe League of Nations, nor shall giebeu, bai; audi) b1e5Beremigten©taatea the United Spgatesbbe Iponipcd by gurgyegfegg élfégfgniabxibe bee iglglfiez; any action ta en the a e an , 6 er u States a of Nations, or by the Counciflcir élialferbunbeverfammlung gelnmben {ein 1 by the_Assembly thereof, unless fallen, e8 {ei berm, buf; bie Qieteinigten the United States shall expressly @taaten auebrilflidy iI)re.8uii1mm1mg g1v2§)1t'zH;ssen1t tpjsucla egtion. gufeginegagvgtpen illiafnpalymgeben; tu Obummm not w at t `t tat s as- . ie 'n gten *» 'ne mmed a the annex

 c2'i§g?§°;i0%2i§& Zi i?.§'”£2?¤Eé“ii“ %$nZ§“?fi““‘§§'"ti" sm" Y

I’&1itII,§$a;·t1III, %e:;tionsd2 $0 8 ¥{$1itt§b2bgeéin;cbIi§¥§bI8t;‘i>geBb?dl:)e mc usiv t , art u ei ea gei = XIII ofetheat Tgaty. an netengiprtrage aber ngit Qggiebung auf b' { ti mungen ii cme men: . (4) That, while the United R; bdfbmmabrenb bie Sliereinigtea i:¤iuigct°IiZ States is Iprivileged to participate @taaten berecbtigt finb, an ber $Repara= °‘°°“°“‘° d° °°‘ in the_ eparation Commission, tianefammiffiaa gemaf; 5Beftim= according to the terms of Part mungen beé Iexlea VIH yenea 2Ber= Y2?} <g that Treaty, spp;/gndany gggaburgbég an irgenbeinerupnberen auf o er ommission ta e \1Ir n $Bertrag6 a eine5 etder the Treaty 2;- under any gimgenbm flbereinfammena eingefeetm agreement supplemental thereto, Rammiffian teilgnmebmen, bie Qiets t a<;tUnited States is noltgbound to einigtea @3gtm nifbpéaceimqgiétet gab, p ici ate in an suc c mmis- fid; an irg 'ner a ammi ian sion uxiless it shall elect toodo so. gu ggteiligen, e5 fei berm, buf; fie biea ma ;