Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/385

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1942 TREATY-——GERMANY. AUeUs·r 25, 1921. Austro-Hungarian Govern- £)fl¢|?l.‘¢l(5ilC5=ullg(!fl.l’(5¢‘2ll¢Ql¢'flIII§ ment, or their successor or oberibt illacbfnlgcr obcril)1:cEllad§= successors, shall have re- folger ben Qietcinigten ©taaten s ectivel confirmed to the bon Simcrifu gegeniibcr alle mm Ilnited States of America biefcn wiibrertb bea Rtiegee Gllf€I= all lines, forfeitures, penal- lcgten obct uerfiigten ©tr:afgelbcr, ties and seizures imposed or iliermirfungen, $Bu[;en unb $e= made by the Unite States iclylagnabmen beftiitigt lyabcn, of America during the war, glcicbbicl ob biefe Gigcntum ber whether in res act to the Raifctlicl) Sbcutlvbm Elicgierung roperty of tlxie Imperial aber bcutfdicr @taataangel;iirigcr german Government or Ger- uber ber R. 11. R. Sbftcrreiclyifeipman nationals or the Im- llngarifdbm éliegicning uber Bftcr= rial and Royal Austro- reid)ifrI;·ungarifc{;er @taatBangc= Eimgarian Government or Iylirigcr bctrcffcn, mib bia fic auf Austro-Himgarian nationals, allen unt ieten Qelbaufurud; gegcn and shall have waived any bie Qletcinigten ©taatm bon 2lmc= and all pecuniary claims rifa tcrgicbtct bab¢n.“ against the United States of America." ‘ Being desirous of restoring the Sn hem 51Bunfd)e, bi: freunbfcI)aft= friendly relations existing be- Iicben $Begicl)ungen, biz not Qluebrudy tween the two Nations prior to bca Rricgce gmifdpcn ben bcibcn Ellatim the outbreak of war: ncn beftanben babcn, mister lycrguftellcn, "°"‘¥"?*°““*"°‘· Have for that purpose ap- ffmben gu biefem ,8medc gu forcn pointed their leniprotentiariesz iliebullmlidytigtm beftelltz THE PRES}lDE T OF THE ber ilirlifitent ber 5Bcv:ei· }£NITED STATES OFAMER— nigten ©taaten non 2Imc- A ri a Ennis Lonmc Dimsm., Com- ben tiommiffioncr ben: illcteinigten missioner of the United ©taaten nun Qlmzrifa in ‘§>cutfd;· States of America to Ger- lamb, .i>errn Qillie Quoting many, $Dt¢f¢l and mib THE PRESIDENT OF THE ter illrctiibent bec €©eut- GERMAN EMPIRE _ {chen Slteidn Dr. Fxumnmou Rosmr, Mmis- bm Slieidyeminifter bee Qluamartiter for Foreign Affairs, gen, éberrn SD1:. fjriebridy Stolen. Who, having commumcated Sbiefc babcn nad) Qluétauld; ibm their full powers, found to be in filr gut unb ridytig befunbmen 25011- good and due form, have agreed mad)ten folgcnbcs bercinbartz as follows: ARTICLE I. Qittilel I. emIi:$fc?§’mslinxl§,l.$Zif Germany undertakes to accord Scutfcblanb berpflicbtet ficb, bm my- to the United States, and the Eereinigten ©t¤aten gu gemtilyrm mib United States shall haye and biz 2Bcreinigten ©taaten fallen beitgen enjoy, all the rights, privileges, xmb geniefscn alle Elievbte, ilirinilcgien, indemnities, rgxarations or ad- Céutidmbigungen, Elicparationen uber: A _ vantagles spec` ed in the afore— 5Bor:tcilc, bis in bcm uorgcnaunten gb m,p-1<>¤- said oint Resolution of the meinidyaftlieten Qicfdiluffc bee Ron- Congress of the United States greiiee ber Qkteinigtm Céitaaten nom 2. oi July 2, 1921, including all the Suit 1921 niiber bcgcirbnet links, mit rights and advantaiges stipulated Qinfdylufg allct Ellccbte unt fllortcilc, bie for the benefit o the United guguniten ber Qieteinigten ©taaten in States in the Treaty of Versailles bem Berting von ilicrfaillee fcftgcfeet which the United States shall fine unb biz Bereinigten Cétaaten in fully enjoy notwithstanding the bollem llnfange gmicBen folflm, un= fact that such Treaty has not geaclptet ber iatiacbc, buf; biefer éltertrug been ratified by the United bon ben Xlcreinigtm Gtaaten nicht States. ratiigiert motbcn iff.