Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/800

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772 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 258. 1922. mpheggruumr ameri- DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. S¤°**¤*Z¤*¤°°'=*'¤*°’s- T bl the Secreta of Agriculture to collect moneys due the

ag§iis M Unii:)eduSta€es on accounrir of loaosMmac<il1e to farmersiu§11de§·6(tl:11eGseed

""* *" ‘ 1 visi ns of the Act 0 ar 3 1921 an the rain an A)<?tl1o¥I§arc£ 20, 1922, including the einplogrinent of such persons and means in the city of Washington and elsew ere as may be necesfiscal year 1923, $50,000. , _ g¢'*¤*2¤*g;h) °w_ Tier the investigation, improvement, encouragement, and determirggviilgeung, Size., nation of the adaptability to diiferent soils and climatic conditions of 1 ‘ pecans, almonds, Persian walnuts black walnuts, hickory nuts, butternuts, chestnuts, iilberts, and other nuts, and for methods of grow-

harvesting, packing, shipping, storing, and utilizing the same,

Esc year 1923, $5,000. <¤¤¤=s¤¤¤¤¤· For conduc such inves ations of the nature and means of

 eomdrorimicatioiiubg the diseasetdilcigrps céagker, and fotiilapplgglg suc};

’ me odsoferadicationorcontro 0 e `easeasin eju ento . the Secretary of Agriculture may be necessary, cooperation with such authorities of the States concerned, organizations of gowers, or _ individuals as he may deem necessary to accomplish suc p1u·pose,

 °¤¤*¤¤¤- fiscal year 1923, $100,000; and, m the discretion of the Secretary of

u°nsmm°d` Agriculture, no eiapenditurueial shall bg-ih made fo; these Ephiiipolses unttil a sum or sums at east eq to su n `tures ave een appropriated, subscribed, or contributzxdplaay State, county, or local ,,mm_ authorities or by individuals or organizations for the accomplishment mr:;_s·ym¤¤• for do- of such p oses: Provided, That no part of the money herem appro- °"°" °°°‘ riated shislill be used to a the cost or value of trees or other ro - P . mf Y P P erty mjured or destroy . ...£::.*’f“‘“‘°“‘ °‘°°m· DEPARTMENT or COMMERCE. ¤cF€;'0'i;,;‘,§‘,g‘.§S §°.§’,m,,§§f BUREAU or r·oBEmN AND DorrEs·r1c COMMERCE. ,,},i§°;§"}’u°,l2?€°9§§p°’ The Secretary of Commerce is authorized to use any balance re- V°*·**·¤·‘298· maming in the appropriation for "Salaries, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, 1922," to pay salaries of ani employees of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic ommerce for the month of June, 1922, such Htiime ai aplticgpated reimbursements shall have been receive rom officers o the epartment overseas. Lighthouses Bureau. _ BLREAU or mcrrrriousns. a¤i)¤i¤{;!2§1lii£ic°uiSi°n To pay the claim adjusted and determined by the Department of V°"°°·*"5°7‘ Commerce under the provisions of section 4 of the Act approved Jime 17, 1910 (Thirty-sixth Statutes, page 537), on account ol; damage occasioned to private property by collision with a vessel of the Lighthouse Service and for w ch the vessel of the Lighthouse Service was responsible, certified to Congress in House Document Numbered 300 of the present session, $499. m""°"B'"°""‘ BUREAU or rrsrmnrns. ,,,§J§?;“i,§’,¥§,$$i{§g‘l““ _For the establishment of a £ish—rescue station on the Mississippi 4**** P- 501- R1ver_at a {point to be selected by the Secretary of Commerce, conggélgiggn o buildings and ponds, and for equipment, fiscal year 1923, Em°l°’°°S’m" szgigg-mswe_stati3n, Mississippi Rivgrlgzlleyz District supervisor, , ; supermten ent, $1,500· two e oremen at $1,200 each; four iish culturists at large at, $960 each; engineer, $1,200; clerk, $1,200; two coxswams at larve at $720 each; two apprentice fish culturrsts at $600 each; in all, hscal year 1923, $15,280.