Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/799

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sixTY-sEv1·;NT11 coNGREss. sms. 11. cs. 258. 1922. 771 $892,820 shall be deducted from appropriations made for the Post ap}`_;gg§{gfi{_g*s@ Wm Oiiice Department for the Hscal year 1923 and be credited to the ,4m;,p.ss2.` appropriation for the General Accounting Office, 1923, and are hereby appropriated therefor. _ _ For necessary employees to enable the General Accounting Office pgghiiishiliiz plgriiiiiiig to audit the accounts for the monthly payment of pensions, as 1 4,,,,, P 505 follows: Four clerks at $1,400 each, eight clerks at $1,200 each, five ’ ` clerks at $1,000 each, five clerks at $900 each, and one messenger at $840, fiscal year 1923, $25,540. Con. t Contingent expenses: For office supplies (includiriig stationery) and roruilsiaiin ;·?}°iiisSI equipment, repairs, and maintenance, and misce aneous items in connection with the audit of monthly pension payments by the General Accounting OfHce, fiscal year 1923, $3,577. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. ,§f,_°°““"°’°° The operation of the following proviso, contained in the Act i1)ii°av:S§`»?l£4Si]?p°nd°d' entitled ‘An Act making appro nations for the Executive and for sundry independent executive iiureaus, boards, commissions, and offices, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1923/’ is hereby suspended until July 1, 1923: " Promdedfurthzr, That the Interstate Commerce Commission may Enggloying stememplo by contract or otherwise ex ert stenogrrsiplhic reporters for its mp officialv reporting work: And further, at the commission S°*°°‘°°P'°S· shall sell, at a rate per page equivalent to the cost of making them, copies of transcripts of its proceedings." STATE, WAR, AND NAVY DEPARTMENT BUILDINGS. numnme xr 1800 1: enum Nw. S§’,,}%§‘§{'§vf‘ ‘°°° E Salaries: Engineer, $1,200; three guards, at $720 each; firemen, $720; °°°°°u°‘"°'°°’m3‘ two elevator conductors, at $720 each; five laborers, at $660 each; in » all, fiscal year 1923, $8,820. _ For fue , lights, repairs, and miscellaneous items, fiscal year 1923, $$,°,,?£”g °xp°°s°s‘ $4,800: Provided, That the Superintendent of the State, War, and infglaggfltmdsf S¤P¤*· Navyl Department Buildings shall be charged with the responsibility ` for the maintenance, operation, and guarding of this building during the period that it is under lease by the Government. Ururmn sums VETERANS’ BUREAU. "°‘°“‘““ ‘“'°°“· For settlement of claims arising under Article IV of an Act entitled Mc" "An Act to extend rotection to the civil rights of members of the V°’·‘°·*‘·‘“· Military and Naval Establishments of the United States engaged in the present war," aglproved March 8, 1918, $25,000, to continue available during the fisc year 1923. Public Hum! smh Allotments of a propriations for medical and htcgspital services may we _ __ be made durin the fiscal year 1923 b the Uni States Veterans' ,,,;,`,,‘{*,“’§“‘f,§ @2 Bureau to the Ilnited States Public gealth Service for the care of }i’;•,_n§¤?;¤¤’B¤¤¤¤¤¤¤- beneficiaries of the United States Veterans' Bureau, and incidental 4m,}».w. expenses, and such allotments shall also be available for expenditure by the United States Public Health Service for the necessary personnel, regular and reserve commissioned officers of the United States Public Health Service, clerical help in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, including all personnel, regular and reserve commissioned officers and others heretofore or hereafter detailed for duty to the United States Veterans’ Bureau.