Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1106

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. IV. Ch. 21. 1923. 1079 corrrrrwcnivr raxrmzsrzs, nnraarmnm or Jusrrcn. cinuaguaupenm. ' ' For furniture and repairs, including floor covering, file holders, Furniture, enc. and cases, $6,500. For books for law library of the department, including their 1-aw b<>¤¤,¤w. exchange, $3,000. For purchase of session laws and statutes of the States and Territories, for library of department, includin their exchange $500. $55*0 or books for office of Solicitor of the Department of Ciommerce, For law books, including their exchange, for office of the Solicitor of the Treasury, $500. For law books, books of reference, and their exchange, for office of Solicitor of the Department of Labor, $500. For stationery for department and llis several bureaus, $15,000. S¤¤¤¤¤¤y- For miscellaneous expenditures, includindg telegraphing, fuel, “*’°°“”“’°'”· lights, foreign postage, labor, repairs of buil 'ngs, care of grounds, books of reference, periodicals, typewriters and adding machines and exchange of same, street car fares not exceeding $300, and other necessaries, directly ordered by the Attorney General, $40,000. For officral transportation, including the maintenance, repair, and V°“*°*°“·°*°· operation of a motor-driven passenger car, delivery truck, and motor cycle, to be used only for official purposes, and purchase and relpair of bicycles, also for the purchase of a motor cycle, $2,700. T e War Department is hereby authorized to turn over to the A,§{’;f" "““" "°“' Department of Justice one motor truck in exchange for the motor truck now in use. For rent of buildings and parts of buildin? in the District of Rm- Columbia, $75,000, if space can not be assigned y the Public Build ings Commission in buildings under the control of that commission. For printin and binding for the Department of Justice and the P**¤**¤8¤¤¤°*¤*“¤¤· courts of the Dnited States, $165,000. For traveling and other miscellaneous and emergency expenses, '1‘¤v¤“¤¤» ***2-» °¤· including advances made by the disbursing clerk, authorized and ap- P°i‘¥2“s., sw. sus, p. proved by the Attomey General, to be expended at his discretion, the 718* provisions of section 3648, Revised Statutes, to the contrary notwithstanding, $7,500. _ rrrscnnrnxaous oBJr:crs, nnranrunnr or msrrcn. M*¤°•“*¤°°¤¤· Conduct of customs cases: Assistant Attorney General, $8,000; ,_gg¤d¤¤¢ of ·=¤=¢°¤¤¤ special attorneys and counselors at law in the conduct of customs Asémm Attorney cases, to be em loyed and their compensation fixed by the Attorney °°¢‘§{f‘§;,§§$f"·°*°‘ General, as auiliorized by subsection 30 of section 28 of the Act of August 5, 1909; necessary clerical assistance and other employees at ,,§f’“"°°°· ’“p*’“°’· the seat of overnment and elsewhere, to be employed and their comnsation lied by the Attorney General; supplies, Supreme Court gizports and Digests, and Federal Reporter and Digests, traveling, and other miscellaneous and incidental expenses, to be expended under the direction of the Attorney General; in all $83,100. For traveling expenses, fees, and mileage allowance of witnesses mfggggém M before the Board of United States Genera Alp§ra1sersiv$1,000. ` Defending suits in claims against the Unite tates: or necessary daD,;g¤¤i¤g Mw i¤ expenses incurred in the examination of witnesses, procuring evi- ` dence, employment of experts, and such other expenses as may be necessary in defending suits in the Court of Claims, including In- manu eepmaanqm. dian depredation claims, and including not exceeding $500 for law books. which shall be available to keep current existing sets of United States Supreme Court reports, to be expended under the direction of the Attorney General, $60,000.