Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1105

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1078 SIXTY·SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. IV. C11. 21. 1923. anmomc Hmm onmmars. . ,,_{*,{‘“*¤*“**"°'“°°'““" For actual expenses incurred in bringing home from foreign Bm . I countries persons charged with crime, $2,000._ · No portion of the sums appropriated in Title I of this Act shall, unlem expressly authorized, ge expended for rent in the District of Columbia or elsewhere in the United States — mveparrmmt or Jus- TITLE II.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. orrics or nm Arronzmr GENERAL. 8*,,*., G°“'•‘· Salaries: Attorne General $12,000; Solicitor General, $10,000;

 M- assistant to the`Atgorne General, $9,000; six Assistant Attorneys

General, at $7,500 each; Solicitor for the Department of the Interior, summa or mpm- $5,000; Solicitor of Internal Revenue, $5,000; Solicitor for the De- “f§$,§S;,,m partment of State, $5,000; four attorneys at $5,000 each, one of whom shall have charge of all condemnation proceedings in the District of Columbia and supervise the examination of titles and matters arising from such condemnation proceedings in which the United States shall be a party or have an interest, and no special attorney or counsel, or services of persons other than of those provided for herein, shall be employed for such p ; attorneys——one $4,500, one $3,750, four at $3,500 each, one $3550, fourteen at $3,000 each, two at $2,500 each; assistant attorneys-one $3,500,,two at $s,000 each, two at $2,750 each, five at $2,500 each, one $2,400, two at $2,000 cum un, uw each; assistant examiner of titles, $2,000; chief clerk and administra- °'°}}f,_‘,; °{f·,_,,,,_ five assistant and ex officio superintendent of buildings $3,500; super- ’ intendent of buildings, $500; assistant chief clerk, $3,000; private secretary and assistant to the Attorney General, $3,600; clerk to the Attorney General, $1,800; stenographer to the Solicitor General, $1,600; law clerks—three at $2,000 each, two at $1,800 each; clerk rmanaaomeci. in the office of Solicitor of Internal Revenue, $1,800; attorney in §‘,?°"“"°°"*'“ *""‘ charge of pardons, $4,200; superintendent of prisons, $4,000; disbursing clerk, $2,750; appointment clerk, $2,000; librarian $1,800; cam, mmm, clerks—eight of class four, twelve of class three, twelve of class two, °°°‘ twenty-seven of class one, sixteen at $1,000 each, eleven at $900 each; chief messenger $1,000; packer, $900; mwsenger $960; six messengers at $840 eac ; thirteen assistant messen ers at $720 each; seven laborers at $660 each; seven watchmen at $$20 each; engineer, $1,200; two assistant engineers, at $900 each; two telephone switchboard operators, at $720 each; four firemen, at $720 each; four elevator conductors, at $720 each; head charwoman, $480; twenty-four °*"’“’“°'*°°°“““· charwomen, at $240 each. Division of Accounts: Chief, $3,000; administrative accountant, $3,000; chief bookkeeper and record clerk, $2,200; examiners-—two at $2,500 each, four at $2,250 each, two at $2,000 each, three at $1,800 each; clerks-three of class four, six of class three, seven of class two, live of class one; in all, $474,010. s¤u¤a¤°¢u»·r¤¤· Orrres or Soucrron or frm Tnmsonr: Solicitor, $5,000; two ""‘ assistant solicitors, at $3,000 each; chief clerk, who shall also discharge the duties of chief law clerk, $2,250; law clerk, $2,000; two docket clerks, at $2,000 each; clerks-—two of class four, two of class

lilree$&0 tg;) of class two; assistant mesenger, $720; laborer, $660; in

mggtigim, mpm- Crmcn or Somcrron or um Dnrxnmnmm or Connnmcs: Solicitor, $5,000· Axxstant Solicitor, $3,000; clerks——two of class four two of cglaszgm three of class two. one of class one; messenger, $840; in

•p¤rt· brncz or Somcrrog or mmm Dm=A1rr1(EN·r or Lanes: Solicitor,

' $5,000; law clerk,_ $2,000; clerks-two of claw four, two of class one; memenger, $840; m all, $13,840.