Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1406

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1386 SIXTY-SIXT H CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 161. 1921. Y;;¤?%'$‘°’°°d“YS· For repairs to roadways to national cemeteries which have been izniiiggiiimgnts by c0nstructed_ by special authority of Congress, $12,000: Provided. '°”’°°dS‘°’b*dd"’* Thathno ragilroads shall} ge pkprxzpitted iépon the r1ght_ of {way which may ave een acquire y the lmted tates toanationa cemetery, R or to encréoich gpqgvi any goads orpwalzlgs constructed thereon and °$"‘°“°“· maintaine the nited tates: me ed further That no art of giis siérg shall, be lflilsecll for repairing any roadway riot owned lby the _ _ 'nite tates wit the corporate limits of any city town or village. ,,,I5§§,‘Y°d t° °“° ‘“°` No part of any appropriation for national cemeteries oi: the repair of roadways thereto shall be expended in the maintenance of more Burial of indigent than a single approach to any national cemetery. _ s¤1mm,a¤.,n.c. _ For expenses of burying in the Arlington ational Cemete , or in the cemeteries of the District of Columbia, indigent ex·l—ll7nion soldiers, ex—sa1lors, or ex—mar1nes, of the United States service, either Regulzg o1;1V0limt§er,]§vho havefbgeri honorably discharged or retired an w 0 ie in the istrict 0 oumbia, to be disbursed by the Secretary of War, at a cost not exceeding $45 for such burial expenses in each case, exclusive of cost of grave, $1,000, 60 er centum of Erlpch bsum shall be paid out of the revenues of tlie District of o um ia. ,,,§‘§§f§"‘_ "°‘“° Antietam battle field: For rgpair and preservation of monuments, P’°S°”’¤¤°¤· tablets, <£(l3>§el1;va1tali1onUmyive(1i,§·pat s, and fenclepg, qndfo forltjlg ngladp and consruc _ y e me aesuonpu can sw1f teimits Supmm¤dm_ of lthe Antietpm battle fiegd, ne?r Sharpsburg, Maiiayland, $5,000. or pay o supermten ent o Antietam battle eld said superintendent to perform his duties imder the direction oi the Quartermaster Corps and to be selected and appointed by the Secretary of zVar, agllns dxscret1o(p,6;l1e perspdn selected for this position to be an onora y_ arge _ mom so `er $1 500. $i;i;¤§;;§3°?>ha¥;, S2`; Disposition of remains of 0HlCB1'S,,SOl(li8l'S, and civilian employees: qr;m§°?_,;{.p0wm, gf! 1¤Y·€Z§m6¤t,f¢f€mut1€2n (onlyl upon request fromthrelatives of the ¤. - - - eceased_ or o prepara ion an trans rtati to h to §11CtlaI12:»1f:1£)D&l_C€m$t$Jl;1§S as may be degoignatdlll by prggerogtlidgty, m e iscretion o Sec1·_ etary of War, of the remains of officers cadets, United States Military Academy, including acting assistant surgeons and enlisted men m active service, and accepted appl1cants 3; isi;-l1l:l;IlBI1;% iglterment, or of piliepampon andf ttrhansportationtgo 68, eremamso ci empo eeso e yin e ernploy of the War Department who die abroad, in Alaska, in the (anal Zone, or_on Army transplqrts, or who die while on duty in the field or at military posts wit n the limits of the United States; inzermentt of dmaigitary pnsonelrs who die at military {posts; for the in ermen an pment to their homes of remains o enlisted men who are discharged in hospitals in the United States and continue as 1I1H'18.t·BS'0f said hospitals to the date of their death, and for inter- _ I ment ot prisoners of war and mterned alien enemies who die at prison kgljjgtjgggggsgf camps in the United States; removal of remains from abandoned etc. pizlygtpe to perr(n%z8I:;uI;111l;1;$g posst;1 or national cemeteries, includilg R, r mains _ ers, ors ormarin `terred` fi M‘i§§"¤,,1,_ °“‘ ‘° or abandoned nvate and city cemeteries- and (Silas casenwliiere · 7 yl the expeggses of uri;} oiishpmtgnt of the remains of omcers or enlisted meno eArmywo eon eactivelist be b ` where such expenses would have been la';-fliil sixlgaihhtuthd Government, reimbursement to such individuals may be made of · mmm tllipuaigopnt allowgd by thetG}<;;§r%cmentdfor such services out of this

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1*1 · mea. _ $1,000,000: Provided, That the above rovisionqsushdlrliildcgl llxicallyle seanaiateauave - P PP d,,,,,,,,m,,,_ in the cases of officers and enlisted men on the retired list of the