Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1405

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sixTY-six1*11 coxennss. sm. III. Ch. 161. 1921. 1385 Rock Island Ar·senal, Rock Island, Illinois: For operating, repair, R°°“”"*“°·m· and preservation of Rock Island bridges and viaduct, and maintenance and re air of the arsenal street connecting the bridges, $30,000; Springiieldp Arsenal, Massachusetts: For the extension of the S¤'"L“g“°"’·M°SS· water-supply system, $7,500; For the construction and installation of fire escapes, $4,000; In all, Springfield Arsenal, $11,500. Watertown Arsenal, Watertown, Massachusetts: For the con- “`¤¤¤**¤W¤» Messstruction of roads and drains, $10,000. _ _ Watertown Arsenal, testing machines: For necessary professional T°s°‘“g "“‘°’““°s‘ and skilled labor, purchase of materials, tools, and appliances for operating the testing machines, for investigative test and tests of material in connection with the manufacturing work of the Ordnance Department, and for instruments and materials for operating the chemical laboratory in connection therewith, and for maintenance of the establishment, $50,000. _ _ Re airs of arsenals: For repairs and improvement of arsenals R°p*“"’·°‘°· and diepots, and to meet such unforeseen expenditures as accidents or other contingencies during the year may render necessary, including machinery or manufacturing purposesin the arsenals, $1,850,000. GMES sch IS Ordnance reservations, civilian schools: For the maintenance and rmwaiiius. °° °° operation of schools for children on ordnance reservations, $28,500. ‘"“‘* p·333· ooanmnmasmn coars. QW °'°°° °°r°°"°& Fort Monroe, Virginia, wharf, roads, and sewer: For repair and V°` maintenance of wharf and a ron of wharf, including all necessary labor and material therefor, Fuel for waiting rooms, water, brooms, and shovels, $15,000; wharnnger, $900; four laborers, $2,880; in all, $18,780; for one—third o said sum, to be supplied by the United States, $6,260. R mst ds t For rakes, shovels, and brooms; repairs to roadway, pavements, °p °r°° ’° °` macadam and asphalt block; repairs to street crossings; repairs to street drains, $2,500; six laborers cleaning roads, at $720 each; in all, $6,820; for two·thirds of said sum, to be supplied by the United States, $4,546.67. SG For waste, oil, motor and pump repairs, sewer pipe, cement, brick, °°°”’°t°‘ stone, and supplies, $1,200; two engineers, at $1,200 each; two laborers, at $720 each; in all, $5,040; for two—thirds of said sum, to be su plied by the United States, $3,360. __ Military Posts, Hawaiian Islands: For completion of quarters for H;Y,‘3Q‘{B°m B°""’°k”’ one regiment of Artillery at Schofield Barracks, $520,000. Y _ I H Nivrrozur. csmrrnmns: For maintaining and improving national 51‘§{§{}'§‘,?.,§$ZTT°°° °8’ cemeteries, including fuel for sulperintendents, pay of laborers and other employees, purchase of too s, and materials, $250,000. S . d = For pay of seventy-six superintendents of national cemeteries, up°"”°°¤ mt" including not to exceed $1,500 for the superintendent at Mexico ` Clt , $63,720- Headstones for sol— 17Yor continuing the work of furnishing headstones of durable stone di¢¤‘,¤¤¤·-z¤v¤¤· or other durable material for unmarked graves of Union and Confederate soldiers, sailors, and marines in national, post, city, town, and village cemeteries, naval cemeteries at navy yards and stations Q __ of the United States, and other burial places, under the Acts of "’ S"` *"" *" March 3, 1873, February 3, 1879, and March 9, 1906; continuing the 3,"°l·5§°» 1*-2** "°L work of furnishing headstones for unmarked graves of civilians in- tiiéaiuius. _ __ _ terred in post cemeteries under the Acts of April 28, 1904, and Jime ;Q§l}§’ P' °°°’ ld 30, 1906; and furnisb?§ headstones for the unmarked graves of l7°¤‘°d°’°*“· Confederate soldiers, ers, and marines in national cemeteries, $120,000. 44281°—21——89