Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1756

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INDEX. t-cgxxm Waadah Island, Wash., Page; Warp d C _ completion of storehouse, from unexpended app1i·%§i·rZ‘i£tio1(i7i1<ir, public building ,, , _ 1;;:3 appropriation; balance to be covered limit of cost increased, public building 677 ‘ lg . . . 712• Wallowa National Forest, Oreg., ‘W“b“"'» S- Sv _ zppropriation for maintenance, etc., of- 429,1252 apgrepnatnon for repairs . 621 W mm, wa lb IT*d·_» _ _ _ . duty on . . ,. , ,,_,_,,____ . 38 appropriation for public building 1383 Walrus Island, Alaska, Whl$;·l<}§ pest 1!1¢1‘€¤-Sed, publié building- . . 677 made a special government reservation 327 G _ W". _ unish tf ill landi , ,,, ln-gdge :tut;hon;e<lGcr<i§s,Mo1mt Carme1,I11- 300 Walslla, Willzgriln egg ug on cu 327 am Francisvi e, .,..,, 292 be · wd · · · woah new, 1·.d.¢·~z nz., my N.?¥?i°T'} °.““. .“F .“. T. Till?. ET my preliméngrpje poxirninatéon of, to Terre Walter, Judson, S., u_ , e ma e . 671 deiicie ‘ ti t ,_,,_ _ _______ gm Waccamaug Igweri N: C. and S. Cé, i 643 Walter R;1¢§lyr·irPrrli?)(ir:3zaa¢$nH(;:piml, D. C'., · appropna on or rmprovemen o . - . . ‘ ti tm tg mm go, bridges a(;1t&;>rized agcrgss, at Starr Bluff, 17 ";Tpmp1111§r{sgsI{.?T.??1}?...€ . . 258 an nway, . 9 tham, _ ., time egtznded for bridging, at Conway, 906 gppmpriatiign for dpublic building .,..,_, _ 1383 . .-.·-----...-·..-·---.. acquiring site an erecting public building Star Bluff, S. C 906 nt, nth ri cd _____________________ 686 Wow, Tex., Wapato Irrigatig gompan , · · terms of court at . ..i 1126 sale of fportron of two Indian allotments tp, Wadsworth, James W., or completion of irrigation project reappointed on_B0ard of Managers, Volun- _ in Chelan County, Wash ...,,,_ 1358 teer Sold1ers’ Home 876 Wapprmger Greek, N. Y., Wgers, etc., apgoiariation for improvement of . . . . 636 uty on, edible, not specially provided for. 36 War a loom, sweetened, etc ... . Z 36 approgiation for , ...,. 245, 1tB8 won ire; 1ist,_un1eavened or not edible . 80 War -00 gc, Arrpy, . . agen locks, appropriation or expenses- ... 243,1037 · uty on, rough hewn, etc .. . .. 33 or maintenance- ... 258, 1058 Wagon Service, Mail, _ f War Col , Naval, . · zgopvriation for-- ,...,,,... - . 360, 1334 ‘ •p%p:rgcation for maintenance . 609, 1269 W .. rim,. .. · War 1>¤zmqw¢. · appropriation for public building- .’ . . 1383 appropriation for Secretary, Assistant, acquiring site for public building at, assistant and chief clerk, clerks, w,..,,,,,.,..““‘.*,;°’,§“'i," ····· · ··············‘·· "°° . ‘‘‘· .; ‘"x.1= ·;..i°** ‘2°“ , . ., _ or c er c ., yu - ne ’s appropriation (lor Indian school 279, 1068 ‘ Office . ; .-. 501, 1203 r "“’¥,°§“i,Ki.iL.“‘°g ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ lil?. i“3?£i°5?..22€L“é2.P.§'Ei“6ir; ‘‘‘‘ 2322* E3 cr u `c ' ...-. u ’s e... , acqtriiing site and erecting public building Signal Office ...-. . . . .’ -.. 502, 1204 at, authorized . -... 687 3°uartermut§r;·Ger;*;s1ral(s;&0Hice .-.. 5533,1% Wake ld, F. H., mmisary one ’s ce .-. ,1 deliicfienc appropriation for services.-- 804, 1316 Surgeon-General’s Office .. 502,1205 Wakefield, lla., , gagmaster—(}eneral’s Office. .. 503,1205 ·P¤~¤**:.*is¤ .:0* m**m*·» momma;. st. .°:°£?.‘.:=°&°$t’:."*‘:;·.°:*. ········ 5.2%.:.% t .. . . , c 0 _ e 0 ._ ... for r‘i;;inta•&rig grounds, Washingt0n7’;8 1405 auahgpcsl for outglde amstants re· v 503 wo1aron}“di1;lZ¢..iif '`````````'``' ’ Bureau or iié§lli}`K§s§.i§é.`.ZZZZZZ§ Z 1206 denciency appropriation for credit in ac- Division of Militia Affairs . .. 1206 counts ,.,,,,,, . .,,,,.. 778 for contingent expemggs ...,,,.,,...,, 504, 1206 Walker, Cooper, _ _ for rent, . . . Z . -, ... 504, 1206 dcficicnsgr ggprgpnaticn for _,,___,,,.,,_ 1296 for public burldrngs and grounds, clerks, Walker, J n ., engineers, watchmen, etc ..-. 504, 1207 deficiency a propriation for services... 803,1316 for State,_War, and Navy Department Walkn River Igwllan Reservation, Nw., _ building, clerks, e@eers, watchappropriation ior support., etc., of Indiaiism 1067 mera, eta};. é -é§é\§é . 505,1253; "·*’r~(*$`·*#$· "`''`"`'"'`"`”' ’ ,, @,..,21,.* eirrémszrr --··---— ·—·`Z%•,;·l;z$ ________________ _ ,,.,_ or _ _ . . . , giitiiieznlist, `oticlrliin the rough, cut for - . - 81 for military posts. - - , Z. .. 721, 1398 Wall paper Hawaii and the Plllllppllws .. 1398 duty on ’ _ , _____ _ _ _ _______ _ _,,__,_ 63 for uuhggry prison, ______,_,___,___,_,_ 722 Wan W `° for Fort Morzfroli ..- i if '§22, 13;,3 ""·· · th" - cceptance n, Ha¤¢0¢.-- 7 °°‘ °‘ §:i1mdf m1$y?liati)fi1eillll}g;??ir. 845 2.. ru. suf., Nebraska . . ... ,. lg?) Walla Walla Indiarw, Oreg., for nauona cemetenes, etc .. 22, · · _ . 283 1071 for disposition of remams of officers, sola pro nation for support, etc . , . . . F py A drers, civilian employees, etc. - . 723, 1400 Wgplaro liiattitglig public buildingl . .- 1383 for driveway, War Department Branch ,,,},§,,,If,, ,,0,,,,, ,,,_ _ _; _____, . .·.,. - .. 1128 _ , Government Prinnng omco. ... 724 88740%-von 36. PT 1-11——-111